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Funded at Stretch Goal #1! Now, some real talk.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:53 pm
by SarahinSF
Hey folks.

So this kind of rounds up my initial post-Kickstarter thoughts and advice for Those Who Come After. I attribute a lot of my own campaign's success to my research beforehand and my ability to learn from the generously-shared of many others who've gone before. (I'll name C. Spike Trotman of and Tyler James of in particular, but there are hundreds of people doing this work, and you'd be a fool not to listen. :-) )

Because of this, I decided in my own post not to retread any already well-covered ground EXCEPT where I felt that a point couldn't be overemphasized. ^^ Slight content warning for a couple of f-bombs!

Hope it's of help, especially to anyone who is currently suffering the fresh hell that is the middle-week slump of a campaign...