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Princess Hiccup - an illustrated fairy tale for children

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:05 am
by jazzdrive3
One night, my daughter requested a story about a princess with hiccups....and so I wrote this book.

We were able to raise over $700 the first day, which I'm happy about. But its slowed down, and so I'm on this forum :) ... nd-hiccups


When enemies mustered to pillage and plunder
When their shouts shook the earth as rumbling thunder

The Princess, crowned with jewels, would cause them to flee,
When her body shook with laughter, and her sides split with glee

Princess Hiccup is an epic, old-fashioned fairy tale, told in the tradition of nursery rhymes. The Princess has a laugh so powerful that it brings joy to anyone who hears it, protects the land, and heals the sick and wounded. But one day, her laughter travels too far and wakes up a Dragon, who curses her with hiccups. No matter what is tried, no one can make the hiccups go away, and so the Dragon must be defeated.

Re: Princess Hiccup - an illustrated fairy tale for children

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:37 pm
by SoftTempest
Your fairy tale sounds cery interesting and enchanted. I'll look it up on KS and maybe back it. We also run a rhyming poem fairy tale (Halloween-centric) last month, and raised just over $4,700, a modest sum, but still well above our target. Our book, now rechristened THE MAGIC ELM TREE (on KS it was "The Halloween Chronicles"), is now available on Amazon Kindle, and also being made into an audiobook. perhaps, if you add "audiobook" as one of your stretch goals, you'll attract more backers. Good luck.

Re: Princess Hiccup - an illustrated fairy tale for children

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:20 am
by rolandash

Re: Princess Hiccup - an illustrated fairy tale for children

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:57 pm
by mmould03
Very cute, pretty sure all three of our daughters would love a copy :)

Re: Princess Hiccup - an illustrated fairy tale for children

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:36 pm
by jazzdrive3
Thanks for the kind words! Any help (and of course backing) you can provide is very much appreciated.

This is a very personal project for me, and so I hope its successful. We passed $1000 over the weekend, so I'm very happy about that.

Congratulations on your own success.

I might add more details about stretch goals, I just didn't want to put too many details until we were actually close to the original goal. What are your thoughts. The audio book is a good idea!

Re: Princess Hiccup - an illustrated fairy tale for children

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:30 pm
by jazzdrive3
We just got 100% funded! Woohoo!

This is exciting, but terrifying at the same time. I just realized I created a ton of work for myself now :)

Anyway, I just added a stretch goal, which I never thought I'd be able to do. If you want to get in on this (there are still plenty of limited print rewards left), the most recent update is here: ... ts/1073955

Honestly, I never thought we'd hit our goal. But you just have to keep pressing on, even if it seems hopeless.

Re: Princess Hiccup - an illustrated fairy tale for children

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:00 pm
by charleydood
Absolutely love your book idea! Congrats on reaching your goal! I will definitely be backing this project. I am a preschool teacher and love when I find truly creative stories to read with the kids!

Please check out my campaign if you have a minute... It is to help my dog Charley become a therapy dog :) ... z-calendar