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Dave's Meat & Nuts 50% (4,000) in just over 2 days.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:00 pm
by Dave's Meat & Nuts
Hello all,
Just hit 50% a few hours into the campaigns third day.

Im in the top 3-4 projects on popular in the food category and the top in the small batch category.

This has helped drive a lot of traffic from kickstarter .

I have a small 5.00 a day (5 days) FB ad going and 2 (under 10.00) reddit ads going.

Hard to tell if reddit and facebook traffic is coming from my personal stuff, or the ads.

Search Kickstarter 17 42.28% $1,685
Small Batch (Discover) Kickstarter 9 11.42% $455 External 8 6.65% $265
Direct traffic (no referrer information) External 7 6.27% $250
Facebook External 7 15.68% $625
Newest (Discover) Kickstarter 5 8.78% $350
Popular (Discover) Kickstarter 4 3.01% $120
Advanced Discovery Kickstarter 3 1.88% $75
Friend backing email Kickstarter 1 0.63% $25 External 1 0.25% $10 External 1 0.63% $25 External 1 2.51% $100

Let me know any thoughts for keeping the momentum or any questions I can answer.

Re: Dave's Meat & Nuts 50% (4,000) in just over 2 days.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:39 am
by Electric Car Insider
Wow congrats, we are only at less than 20% of our goal with more than 80% of our allotted time though. I would try blogs and forums at this point try and get some free advertisements/endorsements out there. You have such a great response I would take advantage of that, use the momentum its news-worthy enough.

Best of luck to you!

Re: Dave's Meat & Nuts 50% (4,000) in just over 2 days.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:44 am
by Dave's Meat & Nuts
Thank you.