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21 Days to go, 46% there.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:12 pm
by quadzool
Not having researched this as well as I should of, I'm doing better than I should be, I guess. A part of that is a low monetary goal. The upside is, I'm learning a lot about the process, and what I should be doing, and, more importantly, what I should have done pre-launch. I can use this in the future, as I plan on doing this again.
The single most important lesson I'm taking away, is doing tons more research, and trying to get others involved before launch.

Re: 21 Days to go, 46% there.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:02 am
by SarahinSF
Sounds like a good start, at least! I hope you have a very successful campaign.

The research and the rallying of the troops beforehand do seem like they're very important parts of the process. I did my best with both of those things. Fortunately, no matter what happens with this campaign, I'll come out of this with an email list of known backers! (I was talking to a colleague who had successfully rebounded from a canceled first campaign to launch a second one that overfunded, and she recommended the 'soft launch' idea too. Unfortunately, when I asked her where she got that crucial email list, she had to admit that it was from her first unfunded KS! But it helped her a lot the second time around. :-) )