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The Sirens Project - UAV Tornado Research Update

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:35 pm
by thesirensproject

We have 9 Days left to fund our Kickstarter project, and we are only a little over half way funded. It's been a crazy ride. Just last week I had a phone interview with Climate Wire about our project. The article was released and picked up by many different outlets including: Scientific American and AccuWeather. We received only minimal backers from that whole social media out burst. I'm not sure what else to do. We have a few more articles that will surface today (Including from the University that I am attending). Any idea why we did not receive more traffic on the Kickstarter?

Article from Climate Wire: ... tornadoes/

Kickstarter project: ... nav_search

I guess we will how this goes! Wish us luck, and if you have any tips for these last nine days let me know!


The Sirens Project