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Waves on Kickstarter half-way stats, help requested

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:02 pm
by fcohen
Hi Kickstarteristas!

The Waves project on Kickstarter is at 35% of goal with 2 weeks left. That's good progress. The team is thrilled with the reaction to Waves, it's all positive. We have already proven the market exists for Waves.

35% funded at the half way mark, predicts $7,000, 70% of goal
37 backers, 80% of the pledges are for the product purchase
Slow and even progress, day-by-day
Kickstarter itself generated 2 product sales, everything else from our efforts
3,191 video views, 17.36% of plays completed, video is 4 minutes
Kickstarter video views: 838, Off-site video views: 2,353

We spent $3000 in advertising:

Facebook advertising
4,891 Page Likes for $1,667.14
Boosted 3 postings to 140,000 people, cost $800
Benefit: 25% of traffic to the Kickstarter page comes from Facebook: 4 people pledged $328 or 14% of pledged funds. clicks to the Kickstarter page: Mid-week, with peak on Tuesdays
Facebook: 153, Twitter: 21, Google+: 4, Other: 225, Unknown: 445
75% USA, India 5%,, Cost: $100. Benefit: Postings where I would think to post: Google+, FriendFeed, Coaching via timed email messages for me to keep marketing Waves., cost $650. Benefit: They write a high quality press release and get it published on 20-30 specialty news reporting sites, different from the large consumer and technology trend sites like CNet and Gizmag. Having these sites carrying links to Votsh helps our organic search results.

PRWeb to post our press release (, cost $370, Benefit: 65895 impressions and 1457 reads (82% from news aggregators, 18% Good for organic search results.

Charles Mosteller from this forum gave me immediate feedback on our project image and positioning: "Your project image is terrible, but your project video is good". I made changes the same day. Thank you Charles!

Joe Belsterling of and moderator of on October 6 commented: “Great product, and well done video! Super excited for this one to hit its goal!”

Immediate thank you message to people pledging, normally takes 4-5 days
Feedback on the pledge levels: too many levels, left people asking which to pledge

Kickstarter updates, a) Online Community features, b) Bluetooth speaker ability, c) Final appeal
LinkedIn marketing, a) Congratulations list, b) Message my contacts, c) Groups postings
Reach out to Crafting communities

Please tell your friends about Votsh, we could use every bit of your help. Thanks!

And, please tell us what we should be doing different and better to achieve the Kickstarter goal! You won’t hurt our feelings with tough feedback. We really want to know.

-Frank Cohen
CEO, Votsh Inc.