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14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:22 pm
by Potluck Happiness
We launched our Kickstarter campaign last Monday and got off to a decent start. After reaching out to our 700+ connections on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn we secured $5,100 in pledges from 69 backers.

The Happiness Is Project, is a cross-country photography and storytelling journey focused on happiness. With our three year old daughter and black labrador, we’ll be criss-crossing the country in a travel trailer looking for the happiest places and people in the U.S. We are documenting those who seek, found, or hold the keys to happiness, and all the in-betweens. You can see a sample at: We started this journey with the development of our blog, Potluck Happiness, which is dedicated to all things that bring greater joy, health, and happiness into our readers’ lives.

We may have set a lofty goal, but were also very diligent in identifying exactly how much we needed to support this project and bring it to life.

With 20 days left, we have ALOT of work to do, but we aren't giving up. We have written press releases and submitted them to local media and various blogs, websites, and Influencer's. Unfortunately, those efforts aren't paying of. YET.

I understand that the concept may not resonate with everyone, but we believe in it and will find a way to succeed.

I welcome and appreciate everyone's feedback and support!

Have an excellent day!

Joey of Potluck Happiness

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:18 am
Don't lose hope. At this point, get to thinking smarter, instead of working harder.

Do you know anyone who is close to a famous person, or someone with a lot of influence in politics or business (or followers on social media). See if you can reach out in some way and have them possibly get on board with your project and help promote.

P.S. I shared your project on my @moccidesigns twitter!

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:07 am
by novelsys
Yes! What MOCCI said. :) You never know. A miracle might come along your way.

Apart from that, just keep engaging your current backers to really share your project! Because, if they are as passionate as you are on your project, then you'll get more backers in no time. (I hope, hahaha)

All the best!

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:04 pm
by Dave's Meat & Nuts
Go out somewhere high traffic with a camera and a laptop. Do something to interact with people. Get them to want to back it and share it and use the content to share with your backers.

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:12 pm
by amcarless
I'm in the same boat. After a week, and after thinking this would be easy to raise a measly $3,600 to get my book funded, I've found people are not as enthusiastic about my project as I am, and it's depressing.

Reading some of these replies, however, makes me want to work more diligently to get my project funded. Hopefully it's given you hope too, Joey... I'll share your project.

Andrew ... o-nowhere/

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:35 pm
by coolinvent
I think part of your problem is that the goal is way to high. I would relaunch at a lower goal and hopefully keep your 87 backers to back you again on the relaunch.

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:24 pm
by tristannyc
I agree with the above but I also believe you need to present your project clearer. What are the funds for EXACTLY. Why do people WANT this book not need to invest in it?

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:37 pm
by hogeandco
$5,100 is nothing to to depressed about. yea, the funding isn't going as well up to this point as you had hoped, but you've raised over $5,000! That's more than a lot of kickstarter campaigns.

If you are going to relaunch, re-evaulate your budget to figure out the minimum number of backers you need at a certain level to meet your goal.

BTW, I think your shirt puns are hilarious.

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:03 pm
by coolinvent
That's a good start but looks like you should relaunch and set a lower goal.

Re: 14% funded with 3 weeks to go. Lost hope?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:12 pm
by Vyronix
I'd say that the last few days of a Kickstarter are the most important. Having a "72 HOURS LEFT" posting on different sites generally creates hype.