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Give Peace A Chance? (first campaign)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:10 am
by shawnekelly11
Hey everyone,

I've created this post to share my recently launched campaign titled "Give Peace A Chance?" The idea behind this project is to travel the globe researching whether personal desires for peace and happiness can fit within a larger goal of world peace. Let's assume that we all generally want peace and happiness in our daily lives on a local level and we generally view world peace as an ideal to strive towards. How is it then that we are unable to cooperate towards these common goals? "Give Peace A Chance?" is an attempt to answer this very question. ... nav_search

This is my first Kickstarter campaign and I'm really struggling to find people who are interested enough to support me. Any support whatsoever either by backing my campaign, giving feedback or spreading the word is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Re: Give Peace A Chance? (first campaign)

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:56 am
by jdbelsterling
Focus on friends and family. It can be uncomfortable to ask them, but every campaign at least starts there. Almost impossible to rely totally on outsiders, need those close to you to help you build momentum.

And if you aren't willing to ask your friends and family to fund it, it's tougher to convince strangers to fund it.

Re: Give Peace A Chance? (first campaign)

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:05 am
by shawnekelly11
Thank you very much for the response. I was planning on waiting a few days as a test before I started leaning on friends and family although that's probably the route I'll be taking very soon. Best of luck in your own campaigns.

Re: Give Peace A Chance? (first campaign)

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:26 pm
by Charles
Your project page, to include the project video that I watched, just now, and your travel itinerary posted there, are wholly unpersuasive. It strikes me more as an attempt to get people to fund travel for you.

Your first stop is Sydney, Australia? Really?! Yet, you intentionally avoid Africa, for the most part, while planning stops in Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, and even Rio de Janeiro. If Africa is dangerous, then how do you intend to pursue world peace? By avoiding danger?

Your project image is horrible. Your video is monotonic and boring. Your project page is a seething mass of text that leaves me just shaking my head at what I see, there. And you're a recent graduate of Notre Dame? And this is the best that you could come up with for a project page for a project of this nature?

The $5,000 of your own money that you are putting into this project, what is that? Your spending money for souvenirs for this extended jaunt?

The link points to a cancelled project by the same name. From looking at the Kicktraq data for it, it looks as though it wasn't gaining any traction. This time around, though, you've got one backer with a twenty-five hundred dollar pledge - but, your funding goal has increased to $19.300 from $13,500. So, apparently, you're not as committed to funding your pursuit for world peace, as you initially led people to believe.

On top of the fact that you've already violated Kickstarter's rules, you intend to do it again, as far as pledging to your own project. Your Budget section of your new project page states:


Last but not least, I will be contributing $3,500 of my own hard earned money to this project. I will start with an initial $2,500 contribution and contribute an additional $1,000 halfway through the campaign. As I stated in the video, this is no small sum for a twenty three year old who just graduated and is working a temp job, but I am serious about finding answers to the big questions and hope you are too. Back my project and together we can discover whether world peace has a fighting chance and perhaps learn what needs to be done to achieve it.

Pledging to your own project is not allowed, either by Kickstarter or by Kickstarter's payment partners. Refer to the third item from the bottom of their Creator Questions page:

Can I pledge to my own project?

Pledging to your own project is not allowed by either Kickstarter or our payments partners.


Your two project links for this same, basic project are:

Current Project:

Cancelled Project: