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DM1: $30k in 6 days!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:35 am
by mooner
Hi All-

Last Monday, I launched my campaign for the Decadent Minimalist DM1 wallet. It is a truly minimalist card wallet – it is made of a single piece of aluminum.

Our campaign minimum was $5k – we blew through that on the first day. We're just about to break the $30k mark.

Here's our campaign!

Would love any feedback from the rest of you who have had success. I was able to get a BoingBoing article published (free) through my own PR efforts. It was instrumental in getting the second-day backer push. BoingBoing alone has referred backers in excess of $7k.

Thanks all!

Re: DM1: $30k in 6 days!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:55 am
by SoftTempest
Kudos, Eric. Saw that phenomenal chart on Kicktraq and kicked myself for not having come up with that (or Potato Salad---missed the Community PaParty yesterday also, shucks, or Coolest Cooler). Lol!

But, all jokes aside, congratulations, and spread the wealth. My address is 169 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C.

P.S. Don't be put off by my new picket fence. Too many Kickstarter fans wanted my autograph.

Re: DM1: $30k in 6 days!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:30 pm
by onthewaterlifestyle
Awesome wallet. Good luck and obviously you are well on your way.


Re: DM1: $30k in 6 days!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:02 pm
by Movi Medical
This is an awesome wallet. I am blown away by your success with it. Keep up the good work!

Re: DM1: $30k in 6 days!

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:02 am
by jdbelsterling
If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get the article on Boing Boing? Currently trying to self promote.

Re: DM1: $30k in 6 days!

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:52 am
by mooner
Hi jdbelsterling-

Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how I got on BoingBoing – but it was a huge help... To this date, they are still responsible for 23% of my orders – sure, it has slowed down, but a couple trickle in every day...

They have a content submission form if you look at the bottom of their web page. There are many contributing authors – I think the trick is finding one of their authors that regularly cover the area you're trying to promote. I found a guy who had previously reviewed Kickstarter wallets and sent him an email with a couple short paragraphs of my story. Included a link to my campaign. Within 24 hours, they posted a review article and it just took off...

I think self-promotion is the way to go. I paid a "PR firm" around $200 to get me some PR exposure. I can't say that it was a waste of time – so far, it has probably broken even. That means they helped me get maybe 20-30 of my nearly 600 Backers. Not a terribly effective use of valuable cash. However, they literally did what they said they would – helped me write a PR piece, blasted it to tons of publications (I think it was picked up in 100+ pubs) and sent me fancy reports showing how widely my PR was distributed. Here's the problem – no one reads PR pieces...

I did pick up a couple Google Adwords coupons – I'm testing those now... Not sure how effective that will be...

Here's our campaign!

Re: DM1: $30k in 6 days!

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:40 am
by victorycola
Hey Erik,

That's really awesome. If my campaign was funded that much -- we'd of reached our goal. It looks like you have a great product! Best of luck to you but I doubt you'll need it.

Here's a link to my campaign to take on coke and pepsi ... f=category