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The SuiteCRM 8 KickStarter campaign is fast approaching!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:59 am
by SuiteCRM
There are only 2 days left till the launch of the SuiteCRM 8 KickStarter Crowdfunding campaign!

Spread the word about SuiteCRM 8 and help us meet our funding goal of £200,000. This will allow us to accelerate the build of the next release of the project.

If you are interested in backing the SuiteCRM 8 KickStarter crowdfunding project, take a look at the rewards we will be offering to backers when we launch on October 1st.

You can show your support for the SuiteCRM 8 campaign by doing the following:

Follow us on Twitter: @salesagility_1 @salesagility and @SuiteCRM
Tweet #BackSuiteCRM
Create your own #BackSuiteCRM selfie and tweet it
Like us on Facebook (SuiteCRM and SalesAgility)
Watch our video: ...

Thank you!

Re: The SuiteCRM 8 KickStarter campaign is fast approaching!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:30 am
by SoftTempest
£200,000 is a nice funding goal, and I hope you sail past that goal within days of launch. I'm not (yet) familiar with the Software Suite, but I'll be sure to check it out. Meanwhile, since some veteran backers on Kickstarter tend to look for how many projects a creator has previously supported, it might help your impending campaign and some of US here too, if you check out our campaigns and back some of us. The url of the project or campaign I'm affiliated with is below. If we see your support, you will see a nice pledge from us in your critical first 48 hours. ... fairy-tale

Re: The SuiteCRM 8 KickStarter campaign is fast approaching!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:18 pm
by onthewaterlifestyle
Followed @SuiteCRM on Twitter. Good luck with your launch.


Re: The SuiteCRM 8 KickStarter campaign is fast approaching!

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:54 pm
by SuiteCRM
Thank you!