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HYMN Graphic Novels| 3 Days Left! What do I do!?
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:15 am
by hymngraphicnovels
Greetings KickstarterForum!
My Kickstarter project has to raise $1000 in the next three days, and it's been dead-ish for the last little while.
My campaign is here:
"HYMN Volume 2 is a full colour, beautifully illustrated collection of eight short experimental comics."
Please check it out! I'm looking for ideas on how to snatch up that last $1000 (and pledges, hehe

Re: HYMN Graphic Novels| 3 Days Left! What do I do!?
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:21 am
by SoftTempest
My suggestion would be (1) try the pledge-for-pledge suggestions offered within this forum. I, for one, am more than willing to reciprocate as soon as notified by KS (and by any member or contributor here of their pledge). (2) Reach out to other creators on KS with projects like yours, or even with different projects, who are also not yet at their funding goal. Tactfully and tastefully suggest a reciprocal pledge (mutual aid, if you will). (3) Ask your circles, and cubicles (coworkers) if they don't mind pledging. All this can be attempted and accomplished over the next 48 hours, and is a better investment of energy than relaunching an unsuccessfully funded campaign. ... fairy-tale
Re: HYMN Graphic Novels| 3 Days Left! What do I do!?
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:15 pm
by hymngraphicnovels
SoftTempest wrote:My suggestion would be (1) try the pledge-for-pledge suggestions offered within this forum. I, for one, am more than willing to reciprocate as soon as notified by KS (and by any member or contributor here of their pledge). (2) Reach out to other creators on KS with projects like yours, or even with different projects, who are also not yet at their funding goal. Tactfully and tastefully suggest a reciprocal pledge (mutual aid, if you will). (3) Ask your circles, and cubicles (coworkers) if they don't mind pledging. All this can be attempted and accomplished over the next 48 hours, and is a better investment of energy than relaunching an unsuccessfully funded campaign. ... fairy-tale
Hmm, yeah I'll have to look through the pledge for pledge topics on here I suppose. I did some of that already with some projects I really liked, and likely would have pledged to anyways, but with little success.
I think I would have to reach out to people in a similar situation for it to be fair, though.
Re: HYMN Graphic Novels| 3 Days Left! What do I do!?
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:36 pm
by SoftTempest
Just do it! Again, for our part, we shall reciprocate, dollar for dollar, up to $100 (which gets you 10% of the way there, anyways). We are already successfully funded (33,000%, actually, although we are short $44 of the $3,500 minimum needed to publish our book in softcover, and $4,044 short of the amount needed to do a hardcover plus pop-up illustrations, with just 3 weeks to go and assured backers waiting in the wings to bail us out if need be in the final days). Back our campaign, and we do a quid pro quo! Good luck!