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Immortal Memories and Chatting with Ancestors

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:29 pm
by MattBnB
Hey guys wanted to share a Kickstarter campaign I have been working with and consulting for that I thought people would find pretty nifty.

I'm part of Yourbot, a team building a device and foundation to preserve memories for hundreds of years into the future. From creating personas that allow future generations to talk to replicas of yourself today to photo and video storage to ensure your memories never fade we are trying to preserve the past while creating the future.

As this is my first ever campaign consulting gig I would love your feedback on what we have created. What do you think about the concept and the campaign as a whole. I want to help my clients make it and learn from any mistakes for future projects and know you guys are some of the most experienced and awesome guys in the Kickstarter and crowdfunding game. Thanks, really appreciate it.

Also would be so grateful if you share or supported the Yourbot campaig if you thought it was cool. We want to make this happen. Thanks for all your help.