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Predictions from the more experienced?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:39 pm
by VirginiaMcClain
So, we're one week in on Blade's Edge: An Independent Novel and 37% funded. Actually, we're just past the one week mark and at the one week mark exactly we were 30% funded. I think things are going well, although the project certainly hasn't exploded the way that some projects seem to (which isn't something I ever expected so I'm not worried about that in particular).

I'm curious what more experienced crowdfunders have to say about where the project is and where it could/should be. Does it seem like the kind of project that's likely to succeed? Is it normal to have a surge at the beginning of each week and then peter out as the week goes by? Should I be worried that I'm not farther along? Celebrating that it's going so well? I've backed a lot of projects on kickstarter and all of the ones that funded successfully seemed to happen pretty quickly. But my research showed me a few that seemed to just squeak over the line...

I would love to know if anyone can look at my project and say: "yeah, looks like it's doing well." Or "dear heavens, woman, that'll never work unless you do _____"

I'm probably just looking for reassurance. CONSOLE ME!!! ;) :roll:

Ahem. Sorry about that. Still, your thoughts are appreciated.

** I should add that so far my only marketing has been through facebook, twitter, direct e-mails to family and friends, discussion posts to forums that I am a long standing member of, and use of this forum. Is there more I can be doing that I should know about (that doesn't cost me anything)?

Re: Predictions from the more experienced?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:58 pm
by RWP
I think that this will be a successful project! I actually laughed when I seen your art work. I hope for the best on your project. Definitely a unique book that sounds quite interesting!

Re: Predictions from the more experienced?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:01 pm
by VirginiaMcClain
Well, thanks! Yes, the artwork by my own hand is pretty laughable. Hopefully, you found the artwork by the real artist more impressive. :-) Glad it made you laugh! I will keep my fingers crossed for success.