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Mug Life Project

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:54 am
by jmeshe
Hello all!

I am at the half way point of my kickstarter campaign and just reached over 50% funded! I am relieved to reach both points at the same time but with 13 days left in fundraising I am trying not to panic while brainstorming different ways to creatively reach out to those who have seen my project and have yet to donate.

I read this (fun-way-to-get-backers-t2780.html) idea about setting a daily goal with the reward being a silly and/or embarrassing video made that day—might try that this week. Other idea I have are to add another backer incentive but am having trouble coming up with something clever thats not going to cost me lots of $$.

Here is my kickstarter project—

I would love feedback and ideas! My project has to do with mugs and how they can be used to explore the topic of community. This is a photo/interview series based on my coming up travels around the west! Check it out!

Re: Mug Life Project

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:08 am
by jmeshe