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What do you think of PpBoX?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:31 am
by Gianni
Hello everyone!
This is my first project on Kickstarter, what do you think?

PpBox is a virtual receptionist for home and small offices land lines who can communicate with your customers using natural language.

PpBoX answers calls on your behalf, understands who the caller is and who he is asking to talk to (using Natural Language) and forwards the call only if you really want to talk to him (or her). If you don’t want to talk, PpBoX acts as a real receptionist, handling the call in the best way.

Sure enough, if you decided not to talk or your line is busy, PpBoX prompts the caller to record a message forwarding it in real time (this is like a normal voicemail sent to an App or an email address, but it also includes the message the caller left).

It may be useful to you? Any suggestions?
Thank you!

Re: What do you think of PpBoX?

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:54 am
by Gianni
No one comment? Tell me if you do not understand anything about the project ppbox! is important! thanks

Re: What do you think of PpBoX?

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:56 pm
by sbriggman
Interesting product. I think the success would come down to finding people who experience the pain point. For example, I'm running a small company, so it's not a big issue to direct so many calls to different people.

Re: What do you think of PpBoX?

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:30 am
by intellops
I am wondering if there are enough people that would both understand and need your service. Most people that have a land line either have caller ID (which handles some of what you are offerering) or they are not very tech-savvy, which means they would not be interested. Most (or all?) cell phone users have caller ID and already have the option not to answer and either respond with a text message or let the call go to voice mail.

So I think you really need to determine who would be interested in the service. Think of your friends and family -- how many of them would use the service? How many would want it enough to pay for it? If there are a lot, go for it. If there are not, you might want to rethink the features of your service or your target audiences and use cases.

Re: What do you think of PpBoX?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:22 am
by Gianni
Thank you for your interest. all your observation is very important to us.
I take this opportunity to explain a thing that perhaps there is not very clear.

PpBox is a very different system from a simple static voicemail.
Personal Phone Box is able to handle incoming calls to a fixed number, and understands how to process them.
If at that number respond more people, ppbox can understand who the caller wants, and proceeds to route the call directly to the subject.

Ppbox not limited to identify the caller, but it understands and transfers the call to the person sought.
In this way, there will be no phones ringing for nothing.

I hope to be able to better explain the functionality of Ppbox.
Continue to send us your feedback.

It's very important to us.

Re: What do you think of PpBoX?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:37 pm
by flashww
seems like a good project you may want to try contacting gadget magazines futurenet. etc

try and get the word out or an article to promote it,

i am wondering how you overcame the voice problems as working customer service not everyone who rings is at a level tone and some people you can't understand.

even complex voice recognition systems tend to get it wrong a lot with accents. how did you get around this or have you not had any problems with it ?

Re: What do you think of PpBoX?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:11 pm
by Gianni
Our company develops applications for many years for the natural language understanding (phone, web and SMS).