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The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:34 pm
by SomewhereOutThere
My project is small and it isn't meant to be a profit making venture. I am just trying to make people smile! Here is my story...

Somewhere Out There is a project that all started with the Facebook post:

"I think I am going to start a project. I just want to touch the lives of random people in a positive way. Put a little light into the world. *ponders*"

The goal was to find a way to create something tangible that would make people smile. Something that would let them know that there is positivity just waiting to be found and claimed. In essence, to make people smile, but not just any smile, the smile of someone who has just remembered an irrefutable truth; that somewhere out there, someone cares.

A few weeks and many excited conversations later the idea of Somewhere Out There was born. Here are the goals of the project:

I will be burning wooden tokens that I will place randomly in places that I visit. Each token will have a positive message so that the finder knows that there is positivity somewhere out there!
These tokens will be notched to count them and placed with a card that has the Facebook URL for the projects page on it, and I will take a photo of each placed token. I will urge people to post where they found theirs (I will place them whenever I travel, and if I gain enough support I will make special trips to places just to leave some smiles) and which token it was, and, of course, if it made them smile!

I have put out quite a few tokens, and even sent some to other states, I even have some that have been put out in Australia! I am very excited about this project and I will continue to do this regardless of the success of my campaign, I am just hoping to get more funding so that I can reach farther and make the whole world smile!

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:28 pm
by sbriggman
I like the idea of making people smile across the world and linking it back to social media. I would recommend appearing in the video and explaining more of the project in addition to the testimonials. I would also break up the campaign text with headlines like "Who am I" "Why am I doing this" "Where will your money go" etc. (not those exact headlines, but it gives you an idea). It would make it easier to read.

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:02 pm
by Charles
This is a great project. I decided to back it (at the $1 pledge level, but I suspect that I will upgrade my pledge to the $5 level, as your project gets nearer to its funding deadline). You might want to consider a pledge level that offers better personalization options. I would suggest $3 for your current $5 pledge content, a $5 pledge level that lets the person pick what goes on one side, and a $7 or $10 pledge level that lets the person customize both sides. Make it affordable for the masses, and you might see a decent response.

The funding goal is attainable. Your video is great! It's a shining example of how to make an interesting video, one without actual spoken words. It's brief. It's informative. It gets the job done. The music that accompanies it is upbeat, injecting positive energy into this project, on the audio end of things.

The project image is good. The video play button doesn't overlap anything critical, obscuring vital details. The image is of hand-crafted items, which always hold a certain degree of visual interest and visual flair.

The project page is text-heavy, though, and you make ineffective use of visual dividers, by relying upon standard-sized text in bold lettering.

The page is virtually barren of photographs of people, which this project cries out for. Thus, visually, aside from the video, the project page doesn't send the subliminal message of social anything.

At its core, this project has an uplifting message. It is a message that you can sell, because people will buy in to positive things.

And this is positive!

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:41 am
by SomewhereOutThere
Thank you so much for your support! and thank you even more for your advice. I myself have wanted to find a way to get more personal photos with people up but its a bit difficult due to the nature of the project. I have a few ideas I am tossing around that I can add to the mix though. What would you recommend on the font issue? Not just bold but a different font/size as well?

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:53 pm
by SomewhereOutThere
Do you think there would be 5 people on the site willing to put a $1 on my project if I put $1 on theirs? Is that ok to ask on here?

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:32 am
by safiashaik
Wow, I love this. I will definitely be sharing it.

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:34 am
by safiashaik
SomewhereOutThere wrote:Do you think there would be 5 people on the site willing to put a $1 on my project if I put $1 on theirs? Is that ok to ask on here?

Yes! I'd be willing too! :) ... the-twelve

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:24 pm
by SomewhereOutThere
safiashaik wrote:
SomewhereOutThere wrote:Do you think there would be 5 people on the site willing to put a $1 on my project if I put $1 on theirs? Is that ok to ask on here?

Yes! I'd be willing too! :) ... the-twelve

I backed your project (which looks very interesting by the way! I also shared it. If you want to like my facebook page for the project as well it is

Thanks in advance!

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:58 pm
by SomewhereOutThere
So a few days ago I backed a couple of projects on this forum for people who said they would back me for a dollar if I did the same, so far none of them have actually backed me. Live and learn I guess, I did do some editing to my project page though so hopefully I can drum up more interest. I put out a couple of my tokens at a festival in Madison yesterday so hopefully that helps!

Re: The Somewhere Out There Project

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:20 pm
by Charles
SomewhereOutThere wrote:So a few days ago I backed a couple of projects on this forum for people who said they would back me for a dollar if I did the same, so far none of them have actually backed me. Live and learn I guess, I did do some editing to my project page though so hopefully I can drum up more interest. I put out a couple of my tokens at a festival in Madison yesterday so hopefully that helps!

You always have the option of cancelling your pledge to their projects.