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B is for Blobfish A-Z Picturebook

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:03 am
by kekekiko
I'm at 94% and just £30 short of reaching my target for my unusual A-Z picturebook! ... r-blobfish

I thought I'd share with you what I have found useful. Having had 2 previously failed Kickstarters I know first-hand what a kick to the teeth it is. However, what I learnt from them has really helped me this time.

First off, my first campaign was really well backed by my friends and family, the next by a couple. This time all of my backers have come from people I do not know! I think that I must have bombarded my facebook friends with images and updates to the point where they switched off - I guess if you keep asking for help you might come off a little desperate? Same with Twitter. I found that getting exposure and backers can take over a little and you end up making just about every tweet about 'Hey, did I remind you about my little campaign?' and that must be annoying.

So instead I've worked on other things unrelated to my book and shared these. I've had fun doing them and they've actually helped me to relax a little. As an illustrator I've been drawing around the subject but not directly related and luckily these have been picked up on facebook and brought attention to my page where I've put a link to my kickstarter. Then I'm not giving the hard sell but people can pick it up if they want to. One of my illustrations was liked over 21,000 times on ASAP Science's facebook page but this only converted to around 300 likes and, as yet, no backers on kickstarter. But the word is out there. So I guess my advice would be to not let finding backers rule you, keep working hard and then people will see the quality for itself.

good luck all!