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Would like feedback and am happy to offer in return

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:31 pm
by thereisaman
Hello fellow Kickstarters.

I started my campaign yesterday and would love some honest feedback about anything that should be fixed. Please be as honest as possible.

I would be happy to offer any suggestions on your campaign as well.

You can find my campaign at ... ways-see-0

Please leave a link with you campaign so I can return the feedback.

Good luck to you all!

Re: Would like feedback and am happy to offer in return

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:54 pm
by JayRM
Hey thereisaman. I just took a look at your campaign. On the product side, it seems like a tough sell. First you're looking for backers who are interested in poetry, but you're also looking for backers that might be interested in meditation. Not only that, you're going against the concept of meditation. Is that the intent? Have you discussed your concept with others in this area?

For the video, or videos, I wish you had combined the two. Part of the reason why I watch videos is so I don't have to read. hah.. I think it would be better if you mixed some of your thoughts with you on camera in the main video along with what you have now, Also, I like how you included your back story in the content, and I can see how the term "thought chasing" might be captivating. The meditative spin on poetry might be interesting as a method to come up with poetry, but I would down play the meditation aspect of it, if that makes any sense. Meditative poetry seems like a marketing term that could be used, where actual meditation is not used. So I would remove the "There is no better spiritual guide than you!"

Re: Would like feedback and am happy to offer in return

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:26 pm
by thereisaman
That is some amazing advice!! Thank you! I was wondering about that. Thinking maybe about marketing it more as thought exercises rather than meditation.

Re: Would like feedback and am happy to offer in return

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:43 pm
by expos
Very cool project. I think this project whether successful on KS or not could lead you into some cool areas.

Another thing that wasn't mentioned is I think you should consider editing your video. I almost couldn't focus on the content for the first 10 seconds because the video frame's size is off. I eventually blocked it out, but it distracted me at first. Just my .02.

Re: Would like feedback and am happy to offer in return

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:58 pm
by Rocky Studios
Cool ideas, I have always been into the spiritual stuff so it's nice to see it alive and well with you :)
Maybe some pictures on the page to offset all the text? Like images from the book cover shown in the video or something, at least it would add some color to the page. Everything else looks great!

~ Rocky