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Ramen Hacking 101 - DIY Noodle Adventure!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:42 pm
by Angela.Benedict

I'm a New Yorker born and bred but followed my heart to England to find that my heart is not without a sense of humor. Suddenly I found myself a long way from home and near penniless in a foreign land. Through the help of new found friends I had a place to live but in the beginning, feeding myself presented somewhat of a challenge.

It was no surprise when I found myself reaching for the 50 cent packets of ramen noodles or 'Ooodles 'n' Noodles' as my mom use to call them.

As you can imagine, after a while this can get pretty samey so I got creative with the supplies that I could get on such a miniscule budget.

Who knew that such awesomeness could come from next to nothing! As it turned out, ramen DIY was kinda my thing--and for a while there it saved my butt from near starvation. In the end I was teaching my flatmates how to make it!

The Plan--

I want to start a video blog calculating the cost for each meal, clear, concise step by step instructions and where the ingredients can be found. Any good 'how-to' video would not be complete without dialog...Although I may or may not I randomly decide to tell you about how I once found my dad in the kitchen cursing and ranting about 'faulty butter' wielding a smoking frying pan containing a charcoal like substance at 7am on a Sunday (it was cream cheese).

My plan is to start with the basics. Keep the recipes simple and under $3. Include a good selection of cost effective meals that would also appeal to those who aren't that great in the kitchen. This is a hard meal to mess up.

Eventually I'd like to get a little more advanced and gradually incorporate more ingredients. Take it to Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Korea, The Philippines, China, India, Japan...Mexico?

The viewer can navigate and decide based upon what they want to spend and the style that piques their interest. I'll interact and remain open to requests and even accept challenges!

To have this project evolve into a book would be a dream. A how to cookbook featuring Ramen Hacks 101 would be ideal for a student going off to college. It's also a great jumping off point for those taking an interest in cooking or just pure lovers of ramen.

What do I need? --

My computer is from 2006 and is no longer equipped to support videos and free video editing software such as windows movie maker. I need funding for an upgrade to a system that will allow me to upload and edit videos. Nothing extravagant, a refurbished laptop would do the trick and BestBuy has them for super cheap.

What I don't want to skimp on is the overall message. I really want to be able to effectively communicate the process and techniques involved. I want you to see the ingredients and the end result. This channel is a dream of mine and it would be a shame to lose much of the overall message due to a dodgy set-up.

I also need ramen. Lots of ramen. All the ramen! In addition to all the little bits and bobs that go into making it into the epic uber food that it is.