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How do you deal with the stress?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:43 pm
by AkaNezumi
Hey guys I'm running a kickstarter campaign my comic book.

It was off to great start and with 34%-38% funded in four days. Well soon after the great start things seemed to have come to a sudden halt.

I've sent out over 40 emails to different comic blogs and even was featured on one but I noticed that despite all of this and the 100$ I put into advertisement there are been no real result. People seem to enjoy saying how wonderful the project is, after which they flee and don't back. (Something I don't understand) The other blogs I emailed last week never replied (not sure what's going on there!)

So basically I'm doing all that I can do and I feel like I am getting nowhere and that is rather stressing. Has anyone else ever experienced this feeling and if so how do you combat it? How do you stay positive and most of all how to you resist the urge to cancel your campaign and just call the quits?

Re: How do you deal with the stress?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:20 pm
by sbriggman
We should make KickstarterForum stress balls and give them out free to members lol and/or a calming desk ornament that makes water sounds.

For me, the best way to combat that is to measure everything I am doing so that I know definitively whether or not I'm making progress. If I'm marketing a new product, I track the traffic and conversion rates so I can tell..... well it looks like I'm driving traffic to the page, but only .01% is turning into pledges or purchases. If I change this wording, how does that change that number? Or.... I'm doing all these things and of them, twitter drove the most traffic, so i'll concentrate on that.

Otherwise, it can be kind of maddening if you are trying stuff and don't know whether or not it's working.

Re: How do you deal with the stress?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:14 pm
by AkaNezumi
Oh yeah... certainly. I'm naturally a stressful person so even when I'm told doing fine with the campaign I still freak out and worry and just stress all over the place. It's... REALLY stressful. lol. I'd love to have some stress balls. That would really calm my mind that's for sure.

Re: How do you deal with the stress?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:11 pm
by jgctx
this is part of it.....

Re: How do you deal with the stress?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:51 pm
by penumbraNLW
I am so happy your campaign was funded :) I am in the stress phase now lol

Re: How do you deal with the stress?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:54 am
by AkaNezumi
penumbraNLW wrote:I am so happy your campaign was funded :) I am in the stress phase now lol

It helps to have someone to talk to during that stress-filled time x.x

Re: How do you deal with the stress?

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:42 pm
by Anashel
First of: Your trailer is really nice and gratz on your sucessfull pledge!

For me I literally loosing sleep over it. The proejctis SOOO important for us, it can't failed. We are a startup of 4 and we put all that we had in this, house included. =)

So, honestly, I just found these forums and being able to talk about it and maybe find potential partner will surely release some stress. I hope. =)