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Pledges, Chaos and Setbacks...and it's just Day 2

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:22 pm
by dlewis1212
Hello Everyone!

Well, I finally launched my campaign yesterday. 35 days for a web series I would like to produce. My goal is 15k. The pledges started off slow yesterday, but started to pour in my mid afternoon to early evening. We hit $1500 within the first day.

However, I had some serious setbacks yesterday. Either due to a glitch or a hacker, I got logged out of my Facebook acount and the password was changed. Some kind of way, I was able to get back in but when I logged out again to check another page, I could not log back in. When I tried to change my password, Facebook told me that I had attempted that too many times...I hadn't even tried once. I went back and forth with a rep and finally had to change my entire email address associated with that account. That was the good news. The bad news...I have to wait 24 hours until I can access my account again. Mind you, I am running an ad that I cannot even access at the moment.

Obviously, without me championing the campaign, my pledges have slowed down to only two today so far. I talked to my strategist who says that is a little concerning and encouraged me to get on the phone. I don't have a lot of phone numbers, most of my contacts are on Facebook. And the people I did call committed to pledging, but so far, have not.

I don't know whether I should continue or cancel the campaign. This is a heck of a way to start off. Any suggestions about how to get momentum back up would be awesome. Thanks!

Re: Pledges, Chaos and Setbacks...and it's just Day 2

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:09 pm
by TheGOODKyle
You should at least see it through if anything else.

Re: Pledges, Chaos and Setbacks...and it's just Day 2

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:01 pm
by sbriggman
What about email outreach?

Re: Pledges, Chaos and Setbacks...and it's just Day 2

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:49 pm
by Dmitriy