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Changing the world!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:14 pm
by shootitforward
Well folks! We are a week into our kickstarter campaign & we've got $432/$3500
i can't lie, its a lot harder than we thought it was going to be! Twitter gave us some trouble from tweeting to much, so now i am hesitant as i dont want to be kicked off! Failure is not an option so we will keep trucking along but the frustration comes when we start feeling like we hit wall after wall after wall!

Anyways, Our project is called Shoot It Forward! Shoot It Forward is going to be a web series that involves us heading out, with camera in hand, filming us performing random acts of kindness & then posting the vids on youtube. we're going to ask the recipients to do the same, thus "shoot it forward" with so much negative filling our lives via the media & social media we decided we wanted to show case the good!

We are getting amazing responses from everybody but running into a disconnect when it comes to pledging!

Please check out our campaign & if you like it & support our idea, please share it via your social media. And use #shootitforward! Thank you

Re: Changing the world!

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:35 pm
by sbriggman
You could try doing a cross promotion? A user is running one on the forum: i-will-pledge-1-to-your-kickstarter-if-you-t2458.html