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Naive newbie needs feedback! FEED ME SEYMOUR!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:43 pm
by Gecko_clothing
A Little Shop of Horrors quote can't harm when you're after peoples attention right? :D

So i completely underestimated running a Kickstarter campaign, despite a fair bit of research. I think my primary mistake was having too much belief in our project! I thought a lot more people that would be interested in buying our clothes in a shop would want to jump on the band wagon and help us make it a reality. That bubble got popped fast!

This is a for runner to a much bigger project and i think i have decided to hire in an expert for that one. Unfortunately i have no budget for that now and just need any advice and help and feedback i can get to hone, improve and make it happen!

Even our friends and family are slow with the pledges, although great with the kind words and sharing!

I am emailing bloggers and posting in relevant groups. I think i have some local media lined up. What more can i do? Be blunt, it's cool. I appreciate your time and feedback.

Re: Naive newbie needs feedback! FEED ME SEYMOUR!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:05 am
by Gecko_clothing
50+ blogs contacted, 2 replied, interested if i have a budget. I don not :(

I really was naive.

All i can do is keep going i guess. I have lost all confidence that i will make my goal, but I'm not ready to give in.

Any help gratefully received.

Re: Naive newbie needs feedback! FEED ME SEYMOUR!

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:48 pm
by Gecko_clothing
I have started a blog on our website about the intensity and ups and downs of a Kickstarter campaign if anyone is interested: We have started a #blog on running our @Kickstarter campaign

Still trying to find create ways to get coverage as the obvious seems pretty much a no go!

Re: Naive newbie needs feedback! FEED ME SEYMOUR!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 11:15 pm
by movieshowtheater
Hey Newbie! I'm new to Kickstarter, as well, and still have 13 days to go. You said be blunt, so I will. Prior to launching and when reporting anything regarding my Kickstarter campaign, I check my spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. I feel like backers will take us more seriously if they see that we are passionate and professional, and I feel like we convey that using grammatical technique. Anyway, good luck in the future!

Re: Naive newbie needs feedback! FEED ME SEYMOUR!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:26 pm
by Gecko_clothing
Indeed. It's so easily overlooked when you are stressing out, but vital.

It's a weakness of mine and i try and get my partner to read over the important things before putting them up, but it's not always feasible and he's not always on the ball!

Many of our friends and family who haven't come across crowdfuning have been slight bamboozled by the concept. I decided to write up a simple article explaining it. I would love to hear peoples thoughts and experiences: ... wdfunding/

Here's hoping there's no errors that i missed!

Re: Naive newbie needs feedback! FEED ME SEYMOUR!

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:16 pm
by sbriggman
@gecko Some feedback:

"With a limited amount of time and the ‘all or nothing’ approach" - Need to explain what all or nothing is.

I would expand on the article focusing on the benefits of crowdfunding for each of the parties involved.

What is the benefit for creators? For supporters? For the platform?

How does Kickstarter keep the transactions safe?

Re: Naive newbie needs feedback! FEED ME SEYMOUR!

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:52 pm
by AaronDona
I too have had bamboozlement from relatives, especially older ones, at the concept of crowdfunding. No matter how much I try they still seem to think it's investing or some sort of scam. I'll let you know if I figure out a foolproof way of telling them what its all about.