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First Kickstarter Launch - any tips?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 4:52 pm
by KelVillarrubia
Hi all,

I've never worked with crowdfunding before, and unlucky me found this forum the day my campaign launched. Oh well. Does anyone have any last minute advice for a first timer once the campaign is already started? I've done some market research, and think my product could do pretty well. I guess I just need to get the word out there about it. Thoughts?

Re: First Kickstarter Launch - any tips?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 5:46 pm
by therriaultk
Hi, welcome to the forum! I took a look at your page, and I agree you have a good product. Environmentally friendly products are big now and this reusable snack bag is something different. I have only a couple comments: the first is that during your video and reading through your page I was looking forward to seeing how items looked in the bags, what they looked like closed with things inside, and how they were supposed to be washed. You do have pictures and information about that towards the end though, but I felt it could have been incorporated sooner. Also, I attached an article about emotional marketing. I worked with my school's environmental sustainability office in the past and the head of that department said that the word love is a strong motivator for action in marketing; including something along the lines of, "Do you love the environment?" is something that people mentally have a harder time ignoring. Not sure how much help that will be, but just some food for thought!!O3e2U

Re: First Kickstarter Launch - any tips?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:06 am
by draffin
I have just started with kickstarter and have put up the following project ... ve-the-bee
I have been approached by unsolicited marketers for various services, are any of these any good?

Re: First Kickstarter Launch - any tips?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:44 pm
by Andy_Sinclair

It is like all things in marketing - some will be very good and some will be awful - just out to make a quick buck! I remember my first brush with search engine optimisation - the guy said he would get me on the first page of Google with my search phrase - didn't mention that nobody searches on the phrase he choose for me!

I would imagine that within the crowd-funding community there are some very good marketers, who could probably help your project, however I suspect that the ones who are that good don't need to approach you unsolicited!

Good luck with your project,

Best wishes,


Re: First Kickstarter Launch - any tips?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:56 pm
by Andy_Sinclair
@ Kel

Not done a project yet, so the only tip I can give you is read and action some of the articles on crowdcrux.

Good luck with your project,

Best wishes,
