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Lifeinabox Day Planner on Kickstarter! Do the

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:56 pm
by Lifeinabox
Hi Everyone

At last went live with my project today on kickstarter. Its been an amazing journey so far and i think it is only beginning. Got my first 2 backers too !

Would love any feedback on the project !

Kind Regards
Daud ... -life-that

Re: Lifeinabox Day Planner on Kickstarter! Do the

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:37 pm
by therriaultk
Hi Daud,

Congratulations on your launch and your progress so far! These Lifeinabox day planners look great, I can see how the planning out the elements you've combined can lead a person to feel more balanced. Your Kickstarter page looks great, what are your strategies going forward?