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Gender Diversity Art Series - 1st Kickstarter

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:37 pm
by genderportraits
I started my first kickstarter 5 days ago. My project is an art series dealing with gender identity and gender expression. I pair interviews with vibrant, realistic paintings of gender nonconformists to add visibility and understanding to the transgender and intersex communities.



The funding progress is slow but steady. I'm at about 18% funding, and seeming to be gaining a 4-5% a day. I'm hopeful, but nervous. Getting exposure has proved more difficult than I first expected. I thought that I'd get a snowball effect from LGBT communities sharing it, but it hasn't quite happened yet.

I got flooded with messages initially about kickstarter marketing services, but I was hesitant. The amount of messages I got made it seem spammy. I also thought, if it was that easy, more than 40% of projects would be funded because everyone would spend a few hundred dollars to make a few thousand. I'm I judging this accurately?

Thank you all!

Re: Gender Diversity Art Series - 1st Kickstarter

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:18 pm
by sbriggman
Wow killer artwork. Can you post some of the messages from the service providers below? I can link you to any reviews we have and it will also help other creators.

Yes - You are judging it accurately. ROI varies from campaign to campaign.