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2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:32 pm
by chrisfx123
So this is day number 2 of operation Kickstart! I'm really hoping we can get these funds so we can get this recording equipment. Made $20 today! :D More than I expected. ... e_location

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:21 pm
by sbriggman
Congrats! Would highly recommend asking your friends/social network to pledge ASAP.

In this article I talked about the honeymoon period, when it's easiest to raise money on Kickstarter from the community. Take advantage of it! ... r-creator/

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:34 am
by S-morishita
I'm also on my second day! It's so exciting whenever I see an email about a new pledge being made. I'm still very nervous about the end results but it's some what calming to see someone else excited about there second day. It helps take the edge off ^^;

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 4:02 am
by malekhaneen
Keep it going you can do it

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:09 am
by buildingv
On my second day, I received $50. I'm on my 4th day now and still very excited and nervous all at the same time :-)

Check out my project at ... ?ref=email

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 5:17 pm
by jazz1m
Awesome! Good luck on your project. I am on my 3rd day of Kickstarter and have exhausted my list of FB friends, now it's on to contacting people who I might have gone to school with! It's tough and there's a lot I should have done before launching - like getting friendly with bloggers and the like. Best of luck to you and I think your project warrants funding! I've pledged by the way :)

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 5:55 pm
by buildingv
Thanks Jasmine. I will take a look at your project later today.

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:16 pm
by sbriggman
@jazz1m - Have you also tapped out LinkedIn contacts?

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:31 pm
by jazz1m
@sbriggan I am actually going through my Linkedin contacts now and trying to make contact with some other people that I used to work with. Any insights on good linked in communities? I've been getting active on reddit as well and trying to look for some open-minded bloggers :)

Re: 2nd day on Kickstart!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:12 pm
by davesy22
@SBriggan do you have an insightful post on how to send emails or contact people when trying to secure funds from them?