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Kickstarter on a board game news website

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:45 pm
by BGNews
Hey guys! This is the first Kickstarter campaign we ever created.

In order to avoid mixups: Mage Company is hosting the campaign, and is responsible for uploading all content, commenting etc. BGNews is running the campaign in terms of content and communication.

So, as I mention, the purpose of this campaign is to fund the international edition of our board game news website - BGNews. We are bound to bring the news of the field, as well as reviews, campaigns, podcasts, and cons!

In the next few days we are going to be uploading more pledge levels featuring board games, such as:
Munchkin Apocalypse
Super Munchkin
Castellan International Edition
Zombie Dice Deluxe
Krosmaster Arena
Camelot: the Build
The new game of Franjos Games (debuting in Essen 2014)
And many promos from companies like Mage Company, CGE, Artipia Games, Diachron Games etc

What do you think?

ANY help will be deeply appreciated and every penny counts. Even if you are not a gamer we got you covered! You will be able to find in our campaign custom dice (who doesn't love those?), AGoT themed magnets and pendant and much more!

Every penny counts as well as every share!

Visit the campaign here! and help us make our dream come true :)