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Fungies The Grand Adventure game first kickstarter

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:23 am
by fungiesgrand
Hello everyone,
We just launched our game which is in early development. The characters go way back to 2014 when they were created as a storybook idea. Like any artists, we dont have a knack for promotion so we went back to work for others :) During years we got back to our little friends and try to set up a game in Unity then gamemaker but lack of programming skills was setting us back.
We decided to put it in Kickstarter and give it a try. Well....oh well, promotion, well lack of is doing its number on us. We paid for some ads on facebook and X, but to no avail. Anyway here is our project, we do it from heart :) ... adventures

Re: Fungies The Grand Adventure game first kickstarter

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:15 pm
by jassiet.ross
Congratulations on launching your Kickstarter for Fungies The Grand Adventure! It sounds like you’ve put a lot of heart and effort into this project, and that dedication really shines through. It’s tough to get traction with promotion, especially when you’re starting out. Have you considered reaching out to gaming forums or communities that focus on indie games? Sometimes, engaging directly with potential players who share your interests can make a big difference.

Also, it might help to showcase some gameplay or behind-the-scenes content in updates or social media posts to build more interest. You’ve already got a unique and personal project—highlighting that story could really resonate with potential backers.