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Where the Stars are Born

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:41 pm
by Boco Nagano
Hello everyone, hope all of you are on the right way to reach your dreams and goals.

Mine has been writing since I was young, but due to life, work and expectations, had to put that aside for the last 20 years, in that time I have been munching a great sci-fi trilogy with a lot of lore and awesome characters. One year ago I left my well paid job in Japan to finally pursue my dream as writer, and the result of that is this campaign, the first one I hava ever done, and I hope many more will follow.

Anyway, I hope you have a bit of time and have a look at it, and maybe I will deemed worthy of your support! ... s-are-born

Kind regards,
Boco Nagano

Re: Where the Stars are Born

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 3:02 pm
by jassiet.ross
First off, massive respect for taking such a bold step to follow your passion! It takes real courage to leave behind a comfortable job and chase what truly makes you happy. Your journey of putting writing on hold for 20 years and then finally coming back to it is inspiring. The fact that you've been building this sci-fi world for so long must mean there's a lot of depth and creativity packed into it.

I just checked out your Kickstarter, and the concept of 'Where the Stars are Born' looks fantastic! The characters and lore you’ve hinted at are definitely intriguing. I’m a huge fan of sci-fi myself, and I can see how much heart you’ve put into this.