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Funding Glowpop?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 9:27 am
by SolarTrap
Hello Fellow Kickstarters,

I have launched my project Glowpop beginning of September and I am about half way into the funding period but got only 35% of my funding amount. I purchased a plan with gadget flow but that only got me one pledge :( ... -light-box

I am also posting on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn but all that's not enough. I can't spend more only on Ads so any suggestions on how to drive my project to the finish line is welcome!

All the best,

Re: Funding Glowpop?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 3:15 pm
by jassiet.ross
I get that it can be tough to gain traction. Try engaging more with your audience on social media, asking friends and family to share, and reaching out to influencers or bloggers who might feature your project. Regular updates on your campaign and running a small giveaway could also boost interest. Lastly, ensure your campaign page is visually appealing with high-quality content. Good luck with Glowpop!