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Is this a good campaign?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:43 pm
by Els
Hi all,

I am new on this forum. I launched my first Kickstarter-project: share-your-kickstarter-story-updates-ca ... t9818.html

I was wondering if you would have feedback or advice for me wether this is a good campaign? What I mean is, as you can see the funding is not there yet, my products are really amazing, the price for what you get is really good and I have tried reaching out to the people I know. You all seem to know a lot about Kickstartercampaigns. Is the success linked to how many people you know and who you can reach out to, you think? Or is my campaign not set up the way it should in order to be attractive?

Already thank you for reading my post and any feedback.