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Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay for

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:25 pm
by davidsharette
Our Kickstarter is now live and there are a bunch of people contacting me about featuring our project, tweeting it out or including it in their newsletters. They typically want about $50-$100 to do it. Are any of these services worth it? How do I know which ones are trustworthy? I know I could look at their number of followers but does that really mean anything anymore?

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:02 pm
by hyperstarter
Apps are super hard to market, particularly as I guess yours will end up being free.

I took a look at the campaign page, it'll be difficult to offer membership to something in December + a hat + a tshirt as a reward.
- It must be some fantastic looking hat + tee to be worth $100.

My advice is to hold off on paying for resources right now, perhaps restart the campaign once you're more established and can offer some better rewards...this advice is direct, but hope it helps!

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 10:04 pm
by davidsharette
Thanks for the feedback!

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 8:08 pm
by almcd23
Following as I'd like to know if anyone has input to this as well! We just launched our a doggie to-go bowl that we think has major potential, but we've hit a bit of a lull and are considering exploring paid options. Curious to see what others have to say!

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 8:18 am
by penguinphile
We have launched ou kickstarter page yesterday and we are also wondering if doing Facebook video advertisements is a good idea for the campaign or not. Any idea or experiences regarding the conversion?

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:57 pm
by miscea
Great question! We haven't officially launched our kickstarter page yet, and still researching how best to find backers and promote our own project. Advertising on social media is currently part of our plans but any advice on this would be great!

My perspective on it is, I guess it really depends on your goals, your target audience and whether they use/spend a lot of time on social media. If they do, then it would make sense to either work with influencers (given their follower profile fit with your target audience) or advertise directly and use the targeting options to get the most out of your advertising budget.

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 1:22 pm
by Tinystuffz
I'm also wondering if advertising on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram is worth it. I find it all very confusing when I've tried looking into them.

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 8:43 pm
by nedsfa
I have the same question! What influencer site is best for mid-range product design projects?

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 2:51 pm
by Lucifi
Is there any influencer site or free press coverage you are aware of? if so, please let me know.


KS Campaign: ... reinvented

Re: Kickstarter advertising resources - which ones to pay fo

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 4:40 pm
by nomlinz
Not much in life is free, but a lot of it can be bartered and traded.

Influencers that are just starting out (say under 10k followers, subscribers, etc.) would usually do promos for free or next to nothing. I'd recommend taking a look at those in that target range that have a similar audience as yours to get the most exposure. This will especially be fruitful if you have something to offer the influencer, like an audience that will probably like their content too, so be sure to showcase that in your pitch to them.

One way to figure out which press might want to cover your project - what you should also do is reverse engineer other successful campaigns for projects that are similar to yours. To do this:
- go to
- search for [product name] and filter for worldwide most funded
- copy the link of one of its main images and past into Google Images:
- now Google will give you results of different sites that have posted the image, which will undoubtedly include niche blogs and sites that have covered the Kickstarter launch story.

Make a huge list of that and start outreaching. More often than not, those niche sites are the ones that will be more fruitful for your campaign since it will be the most targeted, happy to cover a crowdfunding campaign, and excited to get new niche content for their reader list. As a side note for those interested in figuring out this PR thing for themselves, I wrote a really in-depth article about it here:

Remember - if you're low on budget, then what you're going to have to put into this is time! This will take a bunch of time, but it will definitely be worth it in the end :)

Best of luck out there everyone!
- Nalin