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Nearly 1st Week complete - Art Toy

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:56 am
by Monster Ego
Hi All,

So I am nearly through my first week of my kickstarter. (I launched on Monday) and about 60% funded.

It has been a interesting week to say the least. I remember reading a article saying you should make sure you are not occupied on the day you launch as you will be far too distracted to pay attention and I definitely get that now. haha.

The first day was a good day, seeing people back helps validate your work and pricing. Though after a day or too I think the lull hits a little.

My initial thoughts or lessons after this first week would be that I need to set up 'add-ons'. I think it was a very rookie mistake of me to have certain prizes as tiers rather than add ons as I didn't know you couldn't multipledge, for some reason I just assumed you could. so over the weekend I will change that.

I also know/knew that you should get a very solid following prior to launching, though as someone who has avoided social media for years this is slow for me. Though we are increasing all the time.

As I say, its been fun and I have some more campaign plans to boost awareness as I go. Its all part of the fun journey.

Feel free to check them out ... erm=lacuna

Re: Nearly 1st Week complete - Art Toy

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 4:54 am
by rathryann
I read an article saying you ought to ensure you are not involved on the day you send off as you will be very occupied to focus and will share more information related jeep toys partake in the autonomy of adults and couldn't imagine anything better than to ride in jeep like their mother and father as they frolic around the area.

Re: Nearly 1st Week complete - Art Toy

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:36 pm
by jassiet.ross
Congrats on making it through your first week and reaching 60% funding—that's awesome progress! 🎉 I totally relate to what you’re saying about the launch day being a whirlwind. It’s definitely hard to focus on anything else when you’re so wrapped up in the excitement and stress of it all.

The lull after the initial excitement is something a lot of creators experience. It sounds like you’re already thinking of ways to keep the momentum going, which is great. Setting up add-ons is a smart move and should help you offer more value to your backers.

Building a following from scratch can be slow, especially if you're new to social media, but every little bit helps. Keep engaging with your audience and sharing updates; it’ll pay off over time.

Best of luck with the rest of your campaign! I’m sure your plans to boost awareness will make a big difference. I’ll definitely check out your project!
