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Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:28 am
by AmandeNow Bags
We paid Crowd PR to handle the public relations for our kickstarter campaign last year. Following is my review of their agency. It all started with our search for the perfect marketing partner. Our goal was serious press coverage, mostly in the technology sector. For that, we knew we needed a good publicist - one that had relationships with journalists, editors, and reporters. We knew it needed to be big so we leveraged our network out as much as possible. They begin pitching several months before we launched. Pre-campaign work was what they called it. During this time, we had several interviews and things went of quite nicely. And that is when the trouble started, and was not pleased about it not one bit!

A reporter by the name of [redacted] asked some very inappropriate questions during my interview. Personally, I felt as though it was clearly sexual harassment. It was promptly reported to their HR department and dealt with effectively. Crowd PR had no hand in that, but I hold them responsible regardless. As time went on and our budget began to windle, I began to lose all hope and contemplated ending our contract with them. We were locked in at a $20,000 monthly retainer with no way to cancel. And with out launch quickly approaching, I knew I needed to scuttle my campaign to save face. I just had a bad feeling that we were going to fail, and I would have preferred to cancel on my own terms rather than let it play out over the coming months.

And then, one day, much to my surprise -- everything changed for the better. The sky opened up on our first day live on kickstarter and the media coverage and backers rained down upon us. It went viral. First the Huffington Post picked us up (a bit of small chatter here and there). By 10am the following morning, we had made our way up to The Independent and several other media outlets. We were gaining momentum and fast. Victory was at hand and there was no stopping us now.

Code: Select all

But the power of the ring could not be undone…

Day 6 approached, and the market for our product crashed overnight. I was finished and so were my friends. We had a bad review posted on TechCrunch. They said our product was stupid. I almost died that day, but Rene our publicist brought us back from the abyss - rallied the troops - and helped us get back on the offensive. After a brief pow-wow we were back to our normal selves, and ready to raise a blockbuster amount before time ran out.

And time was running out, and fast. With just 2 days left in our campaign - we received one last media hit. The publication? None other than CNN itself. Front page coverage, all day and into the night. We were a trending topic and we knew it. Time ran out on kickstarter, and all was right with the world. My verdict? You should not work with them because they are a bunch of bums!

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:28 am
by AmandeNow Bags
Just a follow up to my preview post. Our time spent with them was cherished. Yes, they did get us featured by countless publications, media outlets, and blogs. But that is not what we paid them for. We wanted a line of constant communication with them, and that was not provided to us. We had to wait sometimes hours to get a response to our emails, and for a startup of our stature and pedigree that is absolutely unacceptable. We want emails, we don’t want coverage. It is not okay and it will not be tolerated. Also, how do we even know that they were responsible for the press? It could have just been good luck. For that reason, we refused to pay them, and we are involved in ongoing litigation to settle the matter, and I am confident that we will come out on top.

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:30 am
by Fritz Franz
The life and times of a crowdfunding marketing agency or public relations firm is nothing to be trifled with. Startups often look to venture funds and angels to fill that gap - but we all know that there is nothing more important than an indiegogo campaign. As an adviser to several bay area companies, we dream of one day making it big on the platform. For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. More light needs to be shed on this matter. Everyone, gather around. It is time to shed light on the darkness. O great light, shed down upon us and cast away the darkness. Wash us clean with your radiant light being shed. There is no knowledge apart from the light, and no greater understanding may be gained in light of these revelations. Once light is shed, no matter how great that darkness may be, understanding and knowledge is to be found.

Does anyone have any more light to shed on this?

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:31 am
by Nouveau
Wow that’s terrible, and all of that really happened? It’s sad, regardless. You should report them to your nearest law enforcement office. Make sure that you fill out the proper forms first, or else they will not take up your case and care about your cause. If they are also in violation of the CANSPAM authority, you need to report it there as well. Do not take these actions lightly, and make haste, they must be brought to justice before the community so that justice may be done upon them. We will deal with them and expose them, but you as an entrepreneur must do your part. You must expose them and report them, and hurry because time is not on our side.

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:33 am
by FighttheFight
They are part of a rebel alliance and a traitor. Take them away!!!

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:35 am
by FighttheFight
I know it can be confusing running a crowdfunding campaign. Everyone telling you to do this or to do that. But you need to know right from wrong or else you wont' stand a chance. Crowd PR is pure evil. You cannot be associated with that, or you are just as guilty. They are a known scam ring. Hundreds of other agencies are under their control. If you're not careful, you will end up under their control as well. How would you like that? Do you think that would be a good thing, something your parents would be proud of? In light of this, I ask that you renounce them here before the community.

AmandeNow Bags wrote:We paid Crowd PR to handle the public relations for our kickstarter campaign last year. Following is my review of their agency. It all started with our search for the perfect marketing partner. Our goal was serious press coverage, mostly in the technology sector. For that, we knew we needed a good publicist - one that had relationships with journalists, editors, and reporters. We knew it needed to be big so we leveraged our network out as much as possible. They begin pitching several months before we launched. Pre-campaign work was what they called it. During this time, we had several interviews and things went of quite nicely. And that is when the trouble started, and was not pleased about it not one bit!

A reporter by the name of [redacted] asked some very inappropriate questions during my interview. Personally, I felt as though it was clearly sexual harassment. It was promptly reported to their HR department and dealt with effectively. Crowd PR had no hand in that, but I hold them responsible regardless. As time went on and our budget began to windle, I began to lose all hope and contemplated ending our contract with them. We were locked in at a $20,000 monthly retainer with no way to cancel. And with out launch quickly approaching, I knew I needed to scuttle my campaign to save face. I just had a bad feeling that we were going to fail, and I would have preferred to cancel on my own terms rather than let it play out over the coming months.

And then, one day, much to my surprise -- everything changed for the better. The sky opened up on our first day live on kickstarter and the media coverage and backers rained down upon us. It went viral. First the Huffington Post picked us up (a bit of small chatter here and there). By 10am the following morning, we had made our way up to The Independent and several other media outlets. We were gaining momentum and fast. Victory was at hand and there was no stopping us now.

Code: Select all

But the power of the ring could not be undone…

Day 6 approached, and the market for our product crashed overnight. I was finished and so were my friends. We had a bad review posted on TechCrunch. They said our product was stupid. I almost died that day, but Rene our publicist brought us back from the abyss - rallied the troops - and helped us get back on the offensive. After a brief pow-wow we were back to our normal selves, and ready to raise a blockbuster amount before time ran out.

And time was running out, and fast. With just 2 days left in our campaign - we received one last media hit. The publication? None other than CNN itself. Front page coverage, all day and into the night. We were a trending topic and we knew it. Time ran out on kickstarter, and all was right with the world. My verdict? You should not work with them because they are a bunch of bums!

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:35 am
by FighttheFight
You need to renounce them, and post about them on the fraud watch for all to see and beware of.

AmandeNow Bags wrote:Just a follow up to my preview post. Our time spent with them was cherished. Yes, they did get us featured by countless publications, media outlets, and blogs. But that is not what we paid them for. We wanted a line of constant communication with them, and that was not provided to us. We had to wait sometimes hours to get a response to our emails, and for a startup of our stature and pedigree that is absolutely unacceptable. We want emails, we don’t want coverage. It is not okay and it will not be tolerated. Also, how do we even know that they were responsible for the press? It could have just been good luck. For that reason, we refused to pay them, and we are involved in ongoing litigation to settle the matter, and I am confident that we will come out on top.

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:37 am
by FighttheFight
Yes, I am agree. But at what cost though? Is marketing worth it when you now it is wrong? It is immortal to persuade people to buy your product. Is it worth raising all that money if you loose your morals in the process? You can't put a price on that, just stay true and hope for the best. If your campaign is meant to succeed then it will succeed. But don't go trying to get people to buy from you, eventually you will get caught and have it all taken away.

Fritz Franz wrote:The life and times of a crowdfunding marketing agency or public relations firm is nothing to be trifled with. Startups often look to venture funds and angels to fill that gap - but we all know that there is nothing more important than an indiegogo campaign. As an adviser to several bay area companies, we dream of one day making it big on the platform. For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. More light needs to be shed on this matter. Everyone, gather around. It is time to shed light on the darkness. O great light, shed down upon us and cast away the darkness. Wash us clean with your radiant light being shed. There is no knowledge apart from the light, and no greater understanding may be gained in light of these revelations. Once light is shed, no matter how great that darkness may be, understanding and knowledge is to be found.

Does anyone have any more light to shed on this?

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:39 am
by FighttheFight
Fair brother, I have some light to shed and to share. They are a known scam ring, constantly changing their names and identities once they get caught. A quick google search will show thee that their reputation is catching up to them. It is only a matter of time before they rebrand again. Crowd PR is the latest of 233 brand names they have gone by. Beware of that, fair brother.

Nouveau wrote:Wow that’s terrible, and all of that really happened? It’s sad, regardless. You should report them to your nearest law enforcement office. Make sure that you fill out the proper forms first, or else they will not take up your case and care about your cause. If they are also in violation of the CANSPAM authority, you need to report it there as well. Do not take these actions lightly, and make haste, they must be brought to justice before the community so that justice may be done upon them. We will deal with them and expose them, but you as an entrepreneur must do your part. You must expose them and report them, and hurry because time is not on our side.

Re: Our experience with Crowd PR

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:44 am
by TrumaneAlex
There is a saying we have in New York, it is: "hey, we're walking here!". But do you know what these scammers have a saying of? It is:

We are not legit.

They say that because they are unjust and not legit. A truly legit agency has nothing but positive reviews posted everywhere through out the internet. For all to see, share, and experience. I see none of that about them. How can you trust someone without this? I would not even allow them to work for my campaign if they begged me to do it for free. Even $0 is too much risk for my liking. I will stand against them, united as one.