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Craft Wallet - The good and the bad

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:17 pm
by MiguelMorgado
Well I am now on my 4th day of Indiegogo campaign and I will post here updates of what I am doing to right and what I am doing wrong with my campaign.

I have already done something wrong. The first sales I made were surprisingly fast because I made a 50% discount.
Now because with that price I would be losing money I can't continue to sell for that price. So I am now selling for the normal price without shipping fees.

What I discovered was that because there is such a high diference between the early bird price and the current price the sales really dropped, so if I had to do it all again I would probably make a 25% discount.

Because I am stuck at the 22% and my sales are slowing I signed up for lets see if it works out.

I will post more updates, meanwhile this is my project:

Re: Craft Wallet - The good and the bad

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:21 am
by hyperstarter
Hi, you've got a nice IGG there. I think the simple answer is that your wallets were priced competitively enough to get backers, but as soon as the price went up..the sales stopped. Plus also, you get the most attention at the start and end of the launch.

I think you need to improve the photos. The wallet on a white background doesn't stand out, they should be high enough quality and attract attention.

Also bullet points about why your wallet stands out should be listed too.

Good luck with it!

Re: Craft Wallet - The good and the bad

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:29 am
by hyperstarter
Also forgot to mention, I sent out a Tweet with a link to your campaign too, best of luck!

Re: Craft Wallet - The good and the bad

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:06 pm
by MiguelMorgado
Hello Hyperstarter,

Thank you very much for sharing and for your input!
I will try to improve my campaign based on your advises.
Regarding the price the base model costs 29USD and the leather model costs 39USD, yes they are not cheap but comparing to other aluminum or leather wallets on crowdfunding campaigns they are cheaper. And I wouldn't really be able to sell the cheaper so in that field I can't really improve my campaign.

Re: Craft Wallet - The good and the bad

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:13 am
by hyperstarter
Hi, Yes you're right changing the price and losing money doesn't make much sense.

My advice would be to improve the layout of the text, improve the photos and then look on which influencers could write about you and your product. What makes your product stand out more than others, these should be listed in larger characters, bold or in bullet - points.

Get the campaign page the best it can be and then look on who you can connect with?

Who have you written to so far? Do you need our help with it?

Re: Craft Wallet - The good and the bad

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:26 am
by Hongtao
Very nice