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Interesting Perk - I want it!

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:48 pm
by FBK
I supported Zmartframe's last campaign and it was successful. Yey! I really want a Zmartframe. Take that back, I need one. These ole'e eyes need one now!

Now Zmartframe has come out with a new twist with their second campaign, check it:

We would like to thank every backer for their contribution and assistance in realization of ZmartframeMax and Zmartframe project. Please join our referral program to share our project to your friends, We need your help to spread the words about ZmartframeMax and Zmartframe to the world! Act now !

I think that's a cool offer in that whoever tells or shares their campaign with the most people gets a free frame, and that works for me because I want one.

FYI, I'm not only sharing because I want one. I always try to show some love to projects;; I'm launching another campaign soon and will need some love too!

Do tell? Will you share, do you think the offer is an interesting hook for a campaign?



Re: Interesting Perk - I want it!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:22 pm
by TAKennelly
I think this is a great concept and is definitely something that you don't realize you need until it's right there for you. The only concern I have when looking at it is the lag time I see. I don't have a lot of technical skill, but I certainly notice the few milliseconds of drag between command and action. It makes me think that, while the product is close, it's just not quite ready for market in this post-iPad age.

Agree? Disagree?

Re: Interesting Perk - I want it!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:24 pm
by onthewaterlifestyle
The ZSmartFrame is a really cool item. It reminds of of some of the spy and police shows. It is very innovative and should do well. Good luck.
