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Freethought Clothing -- Indiegogo project just launched

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:07 am
by freethoughtus

Here is the link to our project on Indiegogo.

Freethought is a clothing line I have thought of for several years. I've listened carefully to the words of friends and acquaintances from different towns, cities, and states. I drew the Eye of Providence as it is one of my favorite symbols; it became the official symbol for it. The main focus will be to design and print shirts with themes of conspiracy, extraterrestrial life (UFO sightings), and the idea of freethought; with the eye applied in someway. Interesting themes personally and generally. It can become something a lot of people will wear. The best part is that everyone can be able to afford it. $16-$18 dollars for each shirt, no matter what.

You can view some of the shirts that have been designed on the page.

Re: Freethought Clothing -- Indiegogo project just launched

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:33 pm
by onthewaterlifestyle
Just followed you on Twitter and Retweeted your campaign.
