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Should your Kickstarter campaign have a have a Facebook page

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:54 pm
by victorjack
Martin Kocher is a member of the CrowdCrux community and listener of the Crowdfunding Demystified podcast. He’s preparing for the launch of a crowdfunding campaign and wants to learn more about Facebook. Here’s his question:

“Is promoting your Facebook page worth it, or is there any other services that I can use to maximize the traffic that I get to my Facebook page?

There are campaigns and companies out there that are KILLING IT on Facebook. They’re seeing great ROI and gaining massive influence using the social media platform.

Believe me, there is a HUGE opportunity for ecommerce entrepreneurs who know their way around Facebook. You can use Facebook to scale up your company, get more customers, and build a brand.

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