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The Best Social Media Platforms for Crowdfunding

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:39 pm
by Artofthekickstart
When starting your crowdfunding campaign, you have an endless amount of options thrown at you for everything from promotional services to websites to host your campaign; the options for social media are no different. It can be hard to decide which platforms will benefit your campaign most, especially when you don’t have a team dedicated to social media and you have to pare down your options. Below is a guide to help you decide which social media platforms are right for your campaign.


Facebook is definitely the number one social media platform we recommend; if you have nothing else, have a Facebook account. Facebook allows you to target very specific audiences, which is a good way to gain a following as a new company. Having a Facebook Page gives you a platform to spread the word about your campaign, provide updates, build brand awareness and share photos of your product. Click the link below to learn what other social media platforms are great for your crowdfunding campaign. ... 0platforms

Re: The Best Social Media Platforms for Crowdfunding

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:26 am
by hyperstarter
I didn't check out the link yet, but I feel and LinkedIn are sleeper sites for connecting with people on Crowdfunding too.

In Asia Alibaba is huge, but not sure if there's a forum where people can post what they're working on.