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Kickstarter Success Story- Thimble

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:35 pm
by Artofthekickstart
Click the link below to listen to an interview with the creators of Thimble!

Key Crowdfunding Takeaways From This Interview:

    -The value of launch parties
    -How to get people engaged with your campaign before you launch
    -How to find mentors and build your team
    -How to decide between crowdfunding or a private online beta launch
    -How much time to spend preparing to launch your campaign
    -How to build up an email list through a grassroots approach
    -How to begin coordinating production and fulfillment
    -How to scale up when you exceed your goal by such a large amount
    -How to move forward with creating your business after a Kickstarter campaign
    -How to figure out pricing when you’re delivering a product monthly ... gn=Thimble