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Does using humor in your rewards work?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:18 pm
by ToughPoetsPress
Just wondering if anyone has had any success with using a little humor in their pledge reward descriptions.

For instance, I'm trying to publish a serious literary non-fiction book but my lowest pledge -- $5 -- is titled "BE MY FRIEND" and the description is as follows:

* * * * * * *

Any pledge, no matter how pathetic, will help me achieve my goal. For a pittance, I will accept your Facebook friend request and mail you a physical Christmas card this year whether you celebrate the holiday or not.

“There is some self-interest behind every friendship.”
Chanakya (371 - 283 BC), Indian philosopher

* * * * * * *

I tried to infuse a little levity in my other reward levels, too. I'm wondering if I'll be alienating potential backers or if the humor will help sell the project.

The Whole Shot: Interviews with Beat poet Gregory Corso


Re: Does using humor in your rewards work?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:21 am
We did it in our project, design with a sense of humour is our principle.

Human Skin Texture Paper Set: Gift Wrap | Origami | Postcard

Our Facebook Page

Re: Does using humor in your rewards work?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:41 pm
by Tom Beckett
I can't read through the entire campaign right now, which would help me gauge the language theme, but I would say adding a little humor is certainly a beneficial thing to do. We somewhat employed a little humor for one of our reward tiers, but to a lighter extent.

I was going to suggest to be careful with it, but I see you already fixed exactly what I was going to highlight:
"Any pledge, no matter how pathetic, will help me achieve my goal. For a pittance, I will accept your Facebook friend request and mail you a physical Christmas card this year whether you celebrate the holiday or not."

I think the idea of acknowledging that the pledge is tiny compared to the scope of the project, but at the end of the day an extra $5 or even an extra $1 is a positive dollar gain and it's another backer added to your backer count. That all helps in varying ways.

I do have a cursory understanding of the style / theme of the project, so I think adding humor is a great idea, but don't ever invoke any feeling of insignificance or embarrassment from someone offering even the most trivial contribution.

Good luck!

- Tom

Re: Does using humor in your rewards work?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:13 pm
by Dom_Suppression
I would say that it depends on the product.
It can also work if your voice is truly heard in your words.
If they can read the description in such a way that would make the reward jokes funny and expected then not only did it work but chances are that person will be excited to pledge.