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How Much $ Did You Spend...

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:48 pm
by lostinwebspace
...advertising and marketing your crowdfunding campaign? And what did you spend the money on?

Re: How Much $ Did You Spend...

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:40 pm
by noenddesigns
So far I have put about $300 into marketing and seen little return. It probably does not help that my product is rather expensive. To buy the base price lamp shade is $170. With a cheaper product the returns might be better.

All that aside I have gotten featured on several low traffic websites and did one pay for post scheme. They resulted in a few sales but wiped out any profit I would have made on the sales.

Tho it may not be possible for everyone I would try a post on Reddit. It has been by far my best revenue generator ($3000+ for the kickstarter) and best of all it was free. Your FREE ads are going to be the best thing. DO your best to submit to every imaginable website and hope for free articles and listings. Its a lot of work, but its worth it.