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Hacker News to promote your Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:34 pm
by Ivan_Gnidko
Hey guys!
Reddit is cool but you have to try promoting on Hacker News. It's something like reddit but with its own rules. I've learned about these guys, and these and these. So I am starting to increase my karma ;)
Has anyone tried it? Share your experince

Re: Hacker News to promote your Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:20 am
by crowdmapped
Hey Ivan I never heard of inBoundio before but I just checked out their website and it looks like a pretty cool marketing tool and is very reasonably priced in regards to what marketing automation software like that typically costs.

Re: Hacker News to promote your Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:36 am
by imoto
how does it help?