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6 Simple Tips For Kickstarter Virgins via Innie

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:20 pm
by sbriggman
These guys reached out to me with their story and thought it had some good tips for new creators.

Let me know what you think of their article.

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Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 3.20.09 PM.png (307.83 KiB) Viewed 1541 times

Re: 6 Simple Tips For Kickstarter Virgins via Innie

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:44 pm
by osai789

Re: 6 Simple Tips For Kickstarter Virgins via Innie

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:48 am
by krashpow
A very interesting article! These guys really did a ton of homework before they even launched!

Re: 6 Simple Tips For Kickstarter Virgins via Innie

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:18 am
by Jam
It's an OK guide, the key to most campaigns is having an audience in place before you launch although he didn't really cover that in the article.

Re: 6 Simple Tips For Kickstarter Virgins via Innie

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:11 am
by MoodyDudes
I completely agree - collecting the crowd beforehand is absolutely vital and something that we didn't do enough. We are 3 days into our campaign and already wishing we knew this beforehand!
Only found yesterday. I didn't know where to assemble people to signup - so we had a small facebook following which of course Facebook makes you pay now to access..

The Moody Dudes

Re: 6 Simple Tips For Kickstarter Virgins via Innie

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:32 pm
by Inventalator
It is "all about you" but that makes it sound as thought the customers are just going to flock to you. You have to bring that audience in and engage them. Didn't really like that point or as everyone else said, the lack of emphasis on building the audience.

Re: 6 Simple Tips For Kickstarter Virgins via Innie

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:50 am
by lindseymcd
Pretty good article!