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Has anyone done "cross promotion"?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:35 pm
by coolinvent
Has anyone done a cross promotion with another campaign creator? Just wondering if you have and if it got any of their backers to back your project?

Re: Has anyone done "cross promotion"?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:45 pm
by Ivan_Gnidko
Hi there! I don't have such experience but was thinking about it a lot. I think it's amazing when 2 or more services are promoting each other. But I don't know what results may be expected in crowdfunding cross promotion and should you actually do it. You have to stay concentrated on your project and do your best to reach your goal.

Re: Has anyone done "cross promotion"?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:17 am
by diynf
I myself have not done any cross promotion nor have I come cross other creators that have but this is an interesting question you pose here. I´d be curious to see the responses you get and if people find it helpful to cross promote.

Re: Has anyone done "cross promotion"?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:46 pm
by Ivan_Gnidko
May be we need just cross-sharing on our personal social pages? It'll take just few seconds to press 'repost' button but all your friends will see it. But idea is really cool. We should think about this more

Re: Has anyone done "cross promotion"?

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:50 am
by dylanmad
I've strongly considered it, but I've heard two answers about it. "Sure" is the first and simplest one. The second is, "I hear that backers/potential backers get very annoyed at that". I would say the best part to stay safe from the second answer is to make sure you're cross promoting something remotely related to what you're doing. For example, my alternative magazine which covers a lot of goth stuff did a small-scale cross-promotion with a nearly-done campaign that was making goth toddler clothes. And keep in mind there's no guarantee of equal backer sharing or anything, I'm sure you already know that, you're just making different backers aware that your campaign exists.

Re: Has anyone done "cross promotion"?

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:19 am
by Didgeridave
I actually just posted about this in the Fraud section. I've had so many spammy messages from people wanting to either do cross traffic, or sell me "promotion" packages.

I think it is probably best to stick to your own PR avenues because you know your own fan/user base, and you know that most blogs are going to respond better to a personable email from a creator, rather than a faceless middleman who probably doesn't care about your project.

I would be interested to hear if anyone has had any success with these kinds of services, though. It is hard to tell how many of the stats are just completely bogus!
