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Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:57 am
by Charles
While I have been posting links to individual blog postings from a Kickstarter-related blog that I do, in another thread here, I thought that it might be a good idea to create a category here in the Tips section of this forum for only the actual Tips articles that I author for that blog, so as to make it easier for people new to this forum to find them.

Part of the problem that new Kickstarter project creators face is information overload. It's a huge drain on their time, just to try and track down the solid advice that they are looking for. In conjunction with the steep learning curve for someone who is new to it all, it can become more than just a bit daunting - It can become a project killer!

So, with that in mind, I will post links to Kickstarter Tips articles that I write in this section, and as I write new ones, I will post the new links in this section, as well, so that it can grow over time.

With that said, here are the Kickstarter Tips articles that I have written for the blog, thus far. It's not much, right now, but hopefully, this list will get longer with the passage of time.

Crowd Funding Tip # 1 - Silence: The Unseen Project Killer

Crowd Funding Tip # 2 - Visual Dividers: Focusing the Eye

Crowd Funding Tip # 3 - Chase your dreams, not rainbows!

Crowd Funding Tip # 4 - Avoid Ambulance Chasers Disguised As Marketers

Crowd Funding Tip # 5 - Create a forum signature with your link in it

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:34 pm
by sbriggman

That's right, my friend, silence is the unseen killer of Kickstarter projects, everywhere. Want to raise a lot of funds? Then make some noise. Want to go unfunded? Then, embrace silence with every fiber of your being!

I've spent a good bit of time, lately, browsing Kickstarter projects, and one thing that really stands out to me is how seldom that project creators issue updates or make comments about their respective Kickstarters.

I agree. Not responding to comments, encouraging people to comment, or issuing updates comes off the wrong way. It makes it seem like either the creator doesn't care or that no one is interested in the project by day 14 and therefore, it's probably not worth taking the time to look deeper into it. Unfortunately, that's sometimes how social proof works.

A lot of people hate to "sell," but it's necessary if you are creating for other individuals. The projects where backers beat a path to your door are less frequent, and even then the creator continues to sell by going on publications and doing interviews.

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:57 am
by MartinT
I love the visual dividers idea!
For some reason I couldn't even insert multiple spaces to separate sections of my project page. Once I press save the spaces would be automatically eliminated!

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:12 pm
by Charles
MartinT wrote:I love the visual dividers idea!
For some reason I couldn't even insert multiple spaces to separate sections of my project page. Once I press save the spaces would be automatically eliminated!

I haven't created a Kickstarter project, so I have not actually used Kickstarter's "software," if you want to call it that.

But, you could emulate multiple spaces by inserting a blank image of the size needed. But, while that would yield the same amount of empty space, it wouldn't create visual energy for your project page, as a drawing, a cropepd photograph, or large and visually interesting text might.

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 2:55 pm
by Charles
Got nothing better to do? Can I interest you in some Kickstarter fairy dust?

Check out the next Kickstarter tip brought to your courtesy of the Squatch Kick site:

Tip # 3 - Chase your dreams, not rainbows!

NOTE: I also updated the first posting in this thread, to make it easier for newcomers to find the tips.

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:13 pm
by vatman
Great tips Charles!

I am looking forward to more of them and I wish you success with the website! It's looking good :)

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:03 pm
by Charles
Another tip article is up. Hopefully, project creators will encounter this article BEFORE they encounter people trying to pull a fast one on them.

Crowd Funding Tip # 4 - Avoid Ambulance Chasers Disguised As Marketers

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:32 am
by sbriggman
Yea, a lot of companies have popped up claiming that they can make you have a successful project. It's a new industry, so it's expected. Some of the services help, some don't. The best way to improve the industry is to get as many reviews out there on forums and such so that other people know what to expect.

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:12 am
by jukesnow
Awesome tips Charles! I will be sure to pay attention with my campaign.

Re: Kickstarter Tips from Charles

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:48 am
by GangstaDog
Read thos tip's do help for a serious promotion, I'm looking for a silly yet serious promotion, but I don't think thos tips apply to my project.