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Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:03 pm
by Eddy
Kickstarter projects that explode past goals have 1 crucial thing in common: They either had a flood of traffic from social sites or had a $1 goal, hehe. ;)

Combine over 20 different marketing activities to build free buzz on Facebook and Twitter with a new tool my team has created. Naturally, since we're backers ourselves, we're supporting the community and giving it away for free to kickstarters. Or just ask me anything about marketing. Tell me a bit about your goal or send me your project link. I'll give you a few personal tips to get more followers, traffic, and backers. Every little bit helps, right?

Use the invite code XA35G61C at
Social Eddy, Founder

Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:02 am
by Eddy
Glad to see some of you started using the tool. I wanted to give a few quick tips:

* I'd recommend spending a few minutes after signup browsing the tasks, you can easily schedule the next few weeks of promotion for your accounts.

* The tool will handle your promotion with 90 days worth of ideas to build your audience. Each of these is called a "todo" task.

* You should start today, if you haven't already. If you want to be successful with your kickstarter, you'll need to build your audience step-by-step, so you have a list of interested people ready to invest in your Kickstarter.

If you haven't signed up yet, use the invite code XA35G61C at and get it for free. (A gift for the kickstarter community)

Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:54 am
by onesuit
Hi Eddy,
what a wonderful thing you are doing.

Here is our link to our project.

We are struggling. We have 44 backers, 2 of whom are public the rest are family.

I have been using facebook (& paid for a facebook ad for 1 week), twitter (and now starting to get favourites and retweets), google +, linked in and started reddit yesterday. I've had some rather negative feedback on reddit - but has also made me think about what we are doing or have done wrong. And also whether it is merely our product and how we have told the story???

Any advice would be appreciated. I am also considering stopping the project :-(


Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:49 pm
by BumptoBaby
Hi Eddy,

I literally just launched my project and I am quite excited and slightly nervous about it all

As of this moment I have no backers, which I will be feverishly working on in the days to come.

I have a website :

Any advice on how the page looks would be appreciated - if the information is clear enough and also advice around any specific places to promote Bump to Baby would be great.

I will be promoting on Facebook and my website also contacting people who may be interested in promoting the project. And spending time on the forum to get more tips. I could have been in pre-launch mode for a long time, so I bit the bullet and launched. I learn best by doing.


Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:13 am
by ProgressiveProducts
Checking out your service.. it looks very interesting and in-depth!

Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:51 am
by Eddy
Give me a moment, and I'll answer each of your questions tomorrow. Just need to finish up some things at work first and answer a few of the emails I received from other Kickstarters.
Social Eddy, Founder & CEO

Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:51 pm
by vatman
Hi Adan,

Thanks for sharing! We certainly appreciate your generosity with the free promo code. We just signed up and hopefully we can maximize all that your service has to offer ( as we'd prefer to be flooded with traffic when we go live).

Our project is currently in the pre-launch phase, we are hoping to go live at the end of the month, and we are unfortunately just getting started in the social media game. Would love any tips you may have for getting a large amount of followers in such a small time-frame.



Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:05 pm
by coolinvent
Thanks for sharing this. I'm trying it now but can't seem to find anything related to product design, home decor or lighting? Which category would your recommend for our project?

Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:45 am
by Eddy
@onesuit - Kerry, you have a creative video, professional imagery, and a heap of family that believe in you. That's a great start! Have you done any other marketing that involves a permission gate? Posting on social networks is good, but it sounds like you need a real traction boost. Local press or even better, biking specific blogs. I know Portland, Oregon -- a city in which it's raining almost as much as yours would have a few people who would eat this up.

Your problem is definitely access to the right people. Don't stop the project. They are there, and they want it. You need to reach out to sources of news, communities, or any particular individual who might be in their network. (Considered giving away a few copies to someone influential?)

Email marketing is your key -- specific, one on one marketing.
Social Eddy, Founder

Re: Free Promo for Your Kickstarter

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:59 am
by Eddy
@BumptoBaby, you've got 4 backers in a few days. Congratulations! Now that you've got the campaign up and running, with a funding goal like yours, you'll need to target viral or influential sources. One-on-one isn't going to cut it. But one-on-one with gatekeepers will.

By gatekeepers, in your specific case I mean Mommy-to-be blogs. There are hundreds of Giveaway blogs you can approach that would be perfect. But since most require a sample, which you don't have, you can experiment on a few if they would ignore this rule in exchange for receiving one after the kick starter. Otherwise general Mommy blogs are a close second but will require a different strategy, possibly a story about how it took courage, tears, and hours and hours to put this kickstarter together? The more inspiring the story, the better.

When approaching any blog, your images will be powerful, so use them. High-res. Your Rewards chart is artistic, so I know you're talented with graphics. Also, be sure to have a written blog post, speaking to the audience, not speaking as a kick starter. (Think what's in it for them?) Every sentence you write and every paragraph should be focused on the "Me" from the audience perspective.

Since you're a new mom yourself, I think you'll know exactly how to write to one. :) Good luck!
Social Eddy, Founder