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Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:09 pm
by sbriggman
Hey guys!

As some of you now, I run the blog CrowdCrux. I wanted to use this post to shed some light on other Kickstarter bloggers.


This blog was recently started by a forum member (Charles).

"This blog site has come about from me discovering a desire deep within me to delve into the realm of the Kickstarter - not as a creator of Kickstarter projects so much as from the perspective of the backer side of things.

That's not to say that I will never try and use Kickstarter to fund a project of my own with, but for now, at least, what I post here on this blog will come from the backer bleachers.

The blog will double as sort of an ongoing documentary of my explorations of various Kickstarter projects that I encounter, and as a repository of advice and analysis of the same."


This blog is also newer and the creators have done posts on crowdcrux like "Top 10 Kickstarter Projects That Were Funded in 5 Days or Less"

The team is dedicated and they highlight interesting Kickstarter projects.

Kickstarter Conversations

James Yee started this blog where he interviews Kickstarter creators for success tips (similar to what I do!). It doesn't seem like he's posted for a month now, but his archives have some good tips.


These guys also haven't posted in a month or so, but they showcase Kickstarter projects and
do crowdfunding news.

For a full list of bloggers and news sites, check out: Crowdfunding Press List.


This blog was started by Karl Steinmeyer. He hasn't posted in a little while, but his archives yield some good tips.

My Thoughts

Now that I've been doing this for almost two years, I've noticed that you tend to see sites come and go in the industry (which is kind of frustrating). For example, CrowdfundingEye is another blogger that I linked to in the past on CrowdCrux, but now they haven't made a post in 6 months or so. Guess we'll see where the industry heads.

As a project creator, I encourage you to start your own blog and share your experiences with Kickstarter (which can transition into a blog about what it's like to be a creator in general in your space, whether that's comics or music). You can also share your experiences on this forum.

If you're running a blog on the side of your Kickstarter campaign, let me know via a reply below. Would love to check it out. I also link to individual posts frequently. For example, I think this post "Low Cost Rewards, Big Crowdfunding Impact!" on Patty Lennon's blog is helpful and "Kickstarter Fulfillment With Amazon: Saving Hundreds of Hours, Thousands of Dollars, and a Million Headaches" via ComixTrib

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:43 pm
by FBK
I wish these crowdfunding start-up blogs much success.

I have run a successful blog for 7 years on a topic unrelated to crowdfunding. (successful in a sense that I have followers, lots of readers but have never monetized it, long story for another day.

More recently I've started 3 more blogs. Blogging is hard work. You start off very interested in a subject and then the interest slowly dies, for some. I have run my blog for 7 years because it has never been about the money (nothing wrong with for profit blogs), but my blog has been driven by my passion for the subject.

So, to the bloggers I say - Good luck and i hope my crowdfunding campaign will be featured soon. :lol:

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:24 am
by onesuit
Thanks again for more valuable reading with more tips!

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:47 pm
by Charles
FBK wrote:So, to the bloggers I say - Good luck and i hope my crowdfunding campaign will be featured soon. :lol:

Just a suggestion, but you might want to put your crowdfunding project link in your forum signature, and not simply your website link. It makes it easier for people who read your forum postings to quickly find your project out of the sea of other projects getting discussed.

I've visited your website more than once, and your Facebook page. I may have visited your Kickstarter page, but I can't find your link to it, in order to verify it or not.

I did get a laugh from your blog posting about your book cover getting rejected by Kindle Direct Publishing. I will give you credit for your willingness to push the envelope on what's "acceptable," where that's concerned, but if you make it hard to find your project page link, then less people will be likely to visit it, than otherwise might be the case.

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:24 pm
by sbriggman
@FBK - Yea I agree. I have been blogging via CrowdCrux for 2 years this November and average 3 posts a week. It's a lot of work, though 100% worth it. What are the links to your blogs out of curiosity?

@onesuit - Glad it's helpful!

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:43 pm
by AsaArt
Do those blogg differ by areas of interest? Since our project is theatre/festival related

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:56 pm
by Charles
AsaArt wrote:Do those blogg differ by areas of interest? Since our project is theatre/festival related

I can't speak for the other blogs, but the Squatch Kick blog isn't dedicated specifically to any particular category. On a personal level, it was the Comics category that was responsible for bringing Kickstarter to the forefront of my activity, and which sparked a greater-than-passing-interest in Kickstarter. But, that doesn't preclude other categories from the blog's scope of coverage. Recently, I authored a blog article about a pillowcases Kickstarter, which probably falls under the ambit of the Crafts category.

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:47 pm
by AsaArt
Thanks Charles,

I checked out the pillowcases post and the campaign. It's such a positive team. I am glad their campaign was a success.

I am looking for arts/theatre/performing arts blogs/bloggers.

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:21 am
by giftsandcoupons
I'm not really a blogger, but I have wrote blog posts - could you add this one to your list Sal?:
"Essential Checklist of a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign" ... g-campaign

- BTW, I can access this site now! Not sure what happened or if anything was "fixed"?

Re: Kickstarter Bloggers

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 9:50 pm
by Lfs
Its good to know people are out trying to help others. Keep it up.