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Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:27 pm
by realitycrowdtv
Hi all,

Hope you guys are doing great. My name is Manolis, the Founder & Producer of Reality Crowd TV. We are going to launch a crowdfunding campaign in the near future (hopefully by September) and we would love some feedback on our Draft Crowdfunding Video. We have posted the video on our website so you can see what we are all about. Please visit or watch the video below. Any feedback would be much appreciated!

Kind Regards,

Manolis Sfinarolakis
Founder & Producer
Reality Crowd TV

Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:55 pm
by pris

This is a great idea. I really like the video, it fun and engaging, you clearly explain what you guys are about. However, the music does not appeal to me (just my personal opinion). I feel like it should be more upbeat. I can see this show being on TV just like any other show out there and be a hit like shark tank or the profit.

It is too bad that the project will launch in September because mine will launch next Tuesday. May I kindly ask on to get featured on your website and social media now?

Here is a preview link of my campaign:
*** still working on the perks and removing the big code showing there!

Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:09 pm
by realitycrowdtv
Hi pris,

Thank you very much for the kind words and the vote of confidence! I took at look at your campaign and followed you across your social media networks. All you have to do is mention @realitycrowdtv and I will be sure to support you.

I am not sure if you have ever heard of crowdspeaking, but there is a new one that just came up 2 days ago called headtalker. I created a campaign for myself to amplify my reach for my August 2nd show (which I would love for you to be on if you can make it Saturday at 1 p.m. EST). As an example, here is my campaign: ... ice-hours/.

I highly recommend you make one yourself. Also, please reach out to me on our website via the contact form. I would like you to submit to me 5 key words and I will give you a media list of journalists who would be interested in your campaign. No cost except signing up for my newsletter :).

Wishing you a TON of success, and I hope we can have you on our show on August 2nd.

Kind Regards,

Manolis Sfinarolakis

Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:57 pm
by pris

I would have never believed that an answer to a simple post could generate this much opportunities. Thank you a million times!!! and thank you for your wishes.

I supported your campaign on headtalker.

Thank you so much, I will mention you when I launch my project on Tuesday and I am following you as well. I would love to be on the show on August 2nd, no problem. I just need to know how to access it. Given that I am launching my project in 3 days, I am not sure if it is necessary to do a headtalker campaign though.

I just signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for the media list, it will be very helpful. My key words are:

1) fashion
2) charity
3) sustainability
4) Africa
5) lifestyle

I hope you a blessed weekend!



Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:44 pm
by realitycrowdtv
My pleasure. Check your email in 5 minutes...the media lists are on the way!

Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:20 pm
by pris

Will do. thanks again!

Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:42 pm
by JayRM
I definitely like what you guys are doing! As far as the video is concerned, like Pris mentions, you clearly explain what you guys are about. The downside to the video is that I would prefer not to see any other cameramen in the shot. For me, it kind of ruins the potential quality of the video. There are also a few clips where Deshaker or similar programs could be used to stabilize the shot. You can also tell a couple people are reading from cue cards or whathaveyou. The lighting is also off when Jessica passes by a window. Should have probably picked a different walking path. I do like some of the graphics, and the fact that you introduce many team members who are part of the project.

Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:42 am
by realitycrowdtv
Thanks JayRM! All valid points and we are working on a new draft to address many of your points / feedback. We also want to get some crowdfunders that we have helped along the way into the footage so it is not so much about us but more about what we are passionate about, the crowdfunders :).

Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:43 am
by SoDaptor
I read some of the other responses and I know some issues have already been addressed, but this is my feedback on your video:

What an amazing idea. I really hope this gets picked up, it will be hugely beneficial to not only the crowdfunding community but humanity as a whole. Now onto your video. Overall this is a great video. The lighting is good, audio sounds good, and as far as kickstarter videos go - it's amazing. However since it's for a TV show, I would fix a few of the filming issues. If it were for any other project, it would be fine, but because it's for a TV show I hold the filming aspect to a higher scrutiny.

The intro was a little slow at 55 seconds, but it set the ambiance of the video and I liked the way it lead into the conversation. Manolis you are sharp, you look good, your voice is articulate, you look professional. The entire setting looks like a very professional office. The Toshiba logo is a bit distracting, it was there long enough that I noticed it.

The content of what Jessica was saying was great, however I would have shot that scene a few more times. Her pauses made her sound like she was reading, and not pouring the words out from her heart. She needs to speak with more passion and conviction. Then you see the guy filming on the left side. Again if this were for another project it would be fine, but a potential TV show should have a professional video. I love her fist bump and the walk, it's really awesome how the scene was set up. You guys were thoughtful and creative and it shows.

The sections talking to Scott C Brown & Mark Alan were great. I loved the blend going into them, it was very professionally done.

The section from around 4:00 - 5:30 needs to be stabilized. The shaky cam is distracting and the audio isn't as good as previously in the video.

The ending is great. I love how everyone is together, you're talking, then they raise the banner. It worked really well.

Overall, it's a great video. It could use some improvement, but it has a clear positive message that was delivered in a professional manner. As a backer I would feel confident my money is being used by people creating professional work, and doing what they say they are going to do.

Re: Feedback on my Crowdfunding Video Draft

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:43 am
by Charles
I watched the video. It has some major issues.

The office scene looks canned - which it was. Lose the suits. Have your people to relax.

Cameraman in the video, even in the reflection. The girl talking as though she was reading. Very UNnpersuasive. And, why is she walking so much? So distracting.

The guy on the screen, HD TV is not a forgiving thing. Look at that segment, and rate it for its photogenic quality.

My advice is to create a new video from scratch.